ExCEL Prerequisite

Activity 03 - UTM Engineering Student Virtual Hangout Zone - Graduate Employability A Sharing Session: From A Reservoir Engineer Perspective

Activity Information

  • DATE: 24/11/2020 (Tuesday), 3pm
  • VENUE: Facebook Live
  • ORGANIZER: Faculty of Engineering, UTM Johor Bahru

Graduate Attributes

  • Communication Skills
  • Scholarship
  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Global Citizen

Role in The Activity

I am a participant in this event by watching FaceBook Live.

Mini Report


Self Reflection

I appreciate I have the chance to attend this event which is Student Virtual Hangout Zone organised by Faculty of Engineering, UTM Johor Bahru. I have a clear mindset of what skill I need to improve to enhance my resume after attending this event. Besides that, the speaker also provides us with some idea about how to keep the learning process in our life. Speaker is a highly motivated and positive person. He had talked about one important thing which is the Can-Do attitude. If we think ourselves is impossible then we are impossible. By the way, we can change impossible to possible. Everything we firstly do not know how to do, but when we start to do we know how to do. Everything is learned from the unknown, but when we start to learn we can change the unknown to know. We need to view the thing from a different perspective then we can learn something from it. Last but not least, I hope that I also can be highly motivated when the time needed. Throughout this activity, I was able to learn about some valuable graduate attributes.
