Induatrial training at STMicroelectronis Sdn. Bhd. from 26th July 2022 to 14th October 2022.

STMicroelectronics Logo

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STMicroelectronics HQ in Plan-les-Ouates, Switzerland

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STMicroelectronics Back End manufacturing site in Muar.

Address: Industrial Area, Kawasan Perindustrian Tanjung Agas, 84007 Muar, Johor

Product manufactured in STMicroelectronics Sdn. Bhd. in Muar


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This is the QFP Assembly - Wire Bond department where I worked during the industrial training period. Some of them are well-trained technicians and operators that I always ask them a lot of question about the operation of the wire machine and other equipment. So glad to work with them in this 3 months.

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My Thoughts On My Industrial Training

I started my internship in STMicroelectronics Sdn. Bhd. on the 26th of July 2022. I was quite nervous when I started my internship as I am a very timid person, but the engineers, technicians and operators in ST really helped me out and guide me through out my industrial training period. 

I am very grateful too as I had the chance to learn about the semiconductor industry. I entered this company without many knowledge regarding the Semiconductor Industry, so, I think it is a lifetime experience for me as there are so many things that I learned. I also get to plan my future as a Semiconductor Engineer better.

Industrial Training Presentation to General Manegar

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Me and other interns had the Industrial Training Presentation with the ST General Manager, Mr Tan Chun Sheng, on 5th October 2022 regarding the industrial training progress and project involved. We received certificate and souvenir from the industry after we finished present it to the GM. In the first photo, my supervisor is on my left side while the GM is on my right side.


NAME: Tho Wing



DEPARTMENT/UNIT: QFP Assembly Department/Wire Bond


Company Background

Our technology starts with you

At ST, we believe that technology plays a key role in helping to solve environmental and social challenges while bringing a positive contribution to people’s lives.

We are 48,000 creators and makers of semiconductor technologies, devices, and solutions that start with our employees, our 200,000 customers, and our thousands of partners. Together, we design and build products, solutions, and ecosystems that address the challenges our customers are facing, while helping them seize opportunities.

At ST, we are creators of technology. And our technology starts with you.

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We create and deliver our technology as microchips (or just “chips”), that form a mostly invisible part of the world we live in today. Chips from ST embedding the most advanced innovations are an essential part of products as diverse as electric cars and key fobs, giant factory machines and data centers, washing machines and hard disks, and smartphones and toothbrushes.

We are creators and makers

We create unique technologies and products that provide our customers with the solutions they require. Through decades of investment, we have created a set of chip-manufacturing and packaging technologies that enable leading-edge solutions for the markets we serve.

We continuously invest in our manufacturing footprint as an integrated device manufacturer. Our 14 state-of-the-art manufacturing sites offer our customers the quality, flexibility, and supply security they need.

We are drivers of your innovation

Our innovation is driven by our 8,400 Research & Development employees and extensive collaboration with leading research labs and corporate partners throughout the world. The focus of our innovation stems from long-term trends that are reshaping industries and societies as well as the need to support a more sustainable world.

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The first trend is Smart Mobility with the shift from traditional cars to smarter mobility solutions.

This means thinking differently about how we move around, reducing pollution and congestion. ST’s car electrification solutions enable car makers to build better, more affordable electric vehicles, while our digitalization solutions support our customers’ quest to make driving safer.

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The second trend is the need for much more efficient power and energy management across all devices and systems.

This is key to address the increasing global energy demand while reducing environmental impact. ST has a long history of innovation in this field, and we offer our customers a range of power management solutions that contribute to creating a more sustainable future.

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The third trend is the large-scale deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Connectivity – a trend is transforming every area of our lives.

ST’s products pioneered the IoT transformation and big data collection, and today we are at the forefront of connectivity technologies and embedded security.

We create technology for a sustainable world, in a sustainable way

For over 25 years, sustainability has been an integral part of everything we do at ST. It guides the way we conduct our business and our relationships with customers, partners, and employees. It guides the way we innovate, and the way we behave - driven by our values: integrity, people, and excellence.

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ST is committed to become carbon neutral and to source 100% renewable energy by 2027.


Internship Experience

I had done my Industrial Training for 12 weeks starting from 26th July 2022 until 14th October 2022. My internship company is STMicroelectronics Sdn. Bhd. in Muar. It is a semiconductor industry mainly in manufacturing microchips. It is such a quite known industry as 70% of its production comprising automotive products in the country. The interns have the chance to obtain the knowledge and exposure to what are engineers doing, as the job scope includes office works and machine operating.

There are 4 UTM's interns in this company and all of us were from Muar. I was assigned in Quad Flat Package Assembly - Wire Bond department focusing on wire bond step in the QFP assembly provess flow. My supervisor is Mr. Goh Siow Chong. I feel very glad when he was my supervisor because he is very supportive and he always shared his experience in which indirectly gave me an exposure on engineer works.

Fortunately, my supervisor, engineers, technicians and operators are a great support for me through out my internship journey. One of the engineer, Mr. Howeidy helped me a lot on introducing me to the industry. It was my first time to enter the production line with a jumpsuit. He also explained to me on the starting of the QFP Assembly Process until the end of the process. This is my starting point where I became more interested in the Semiconductor Industry. 

The following week, i learned about the operation of the wire bond machine from one of the operator, Mr. Fauzi. Another engineer, Miss Alin taught me on the reject criteria of wire bond and how to prepare a report for the reject units. From here I got the chance to use the X-ray scanning machine for the first time and it is really interesting in my opinion. Besides, I also had a chance to learn from experienced and well-trained technician, Miss Missi, on how to measure the quality of the product and also on how to prepare the report of product quality for the customer. It really is a great experience for me. 

Project Invovled

During my industrial training, I had the chance to get involved in the improvement project under one of the engineer, Mr Alfie. It was to study on the frame silver surface under the heat effect. It was to test on the oxidation of silver particle surface on the frame whether it will be peeled off. The first photo was the place where the frame will be heated, while the second photo shows the frame sample. Since there are many rows of die pad on the frame, we heat each row with different preriod of time, and then we peel it off by using masking tape. The third photo shows the initial state of the frame while the fourth photo was the stage where the frame had undergone the heating process for 2 hours.

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I had presented the project result to my MJIIT supervisor, Prof. Dr. Yoshihide Yamada during the Industrial Training Virtual Visit, and also to the General Manager during the Industrial Training Presentation.