Prerequisite ExCEL

This page contains a detailed report about 3 activities that I have joined throughout my time at UTM. These report are based on my own experience regarding extra curricular activities. This report is in regard with the prerequisite for a subject called ExCEL. 


Prerequisite ExCEL

  • Involved in THREE (3) extra-curricular activities;
  • Produced separate reports for each activity involved in;
  • The reports have been reviewed and verified by the Academic Advisor (AA);
  • Obtained approval from the AA to enroll in the ExCEL course.

What is ExCEL

ExCEL is a University general course designed to recognize students’ engagement in extra-curricular activities. Indirectly, this course will encourage students to better appreciate the learning process that occurs through the extra-curricular activities. This course utilizes experiential learning, self-reflection and case study approaches in its process of learning and teaching.