SECI2143-04 (Probability&Statistical Data Analysis) - PROJECT 1

My reflection on the project.


In this project, I'm in the same group as Angelica and Ng Pei Wen. We decided to make a survey on the SC(School of Computing) students' views on punctuality and their average time that students need to arrive at their faculty. We made a Google form and shared it among Computing students for 1 week before we end up. We collected 165 student respondents to get the more accurate data and easy to be analyzed the data and choose some appropriate graphic data presentation to finalize the respondents into a bar chart, stem and leaf, histogram, and otherwise. For special requirements that been used in presenting those data in charts. We need to use R programming to present all the data in charts and can be concluded in a lot of information.


For more information about the analysis, please read the pdf file below.

Report of Project1



In the beginning, we struggled a lot and being annoyed about creating suitable questions to be questionnaires among students because this is our first time to make a survey. After collecting data from our respondents, we arranged the data using R Studio. I learned a lot of simple programming in R studio that helps us better in arranging the data. By using R programming, the data can be transformed into those charts and graphs to let us understand what can we get the results from what we want at first and achieve our objectives successfully. 

Apart from that, from the results that we gained, I found that most of the respondents will come late to class because they wake up late. I think that this reason is a common reason that face by students. If they can't manage to wake up on time, the high probability they will late to class. Other than that, most of the respondents think that punctuality is important. This is a good result since they have the concept of being punctual in daily life.

I would like to express my appreciation to my group members. Although we can't meet face-to-face, we still discussed the problem together without leaving someone behind. We also have good teamwork in dividing the task and completing the task. Lastly, I would also like to thank our PSDA lecturer, Dr. Suhaila. She was willing to help us to spread the Google Form using email so that we can get more responses in order to get more accurate data. Thank you, Dr.

Video presentation