[ExCel] JAZARI online Robotic Workshop

This an activity report for the JoRW event.

Activity Information

Date: 6th & 7th November 2020

Venue: Discord

Organizer: UTM JAZARI Innovation Club

Graduate Attributes

  • Communication Skills
  • Thinking Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Global Citizen

Mini Report



  • Participant


Self Reflection

After attending this workshop, I learned how important communication skills are among a group that consist of different races and nationalities. This is because I was assigned to a mentor-mentee group that has different races and nationalities of the participant. I had the chance to improve my communication skills by talking to my group members when I had some questions. Besides, this workshop also helped me to improve my thinking skills. When we try to design a product, we should think about the problem logically and its functionality.

During the workshop, I realized that I can understand most of the content that the talker trying to deliver during the programming module. I think the main reason I can understand is that I touched a little bit about Arduino in semester one of Year 1. I took the Technology and Information System course, and the lecturer invited the members from Robotic Team to teach us some basic robotic programming coding. Before the workshop started, I was afraid that I could not catch up on the workshop's progress since everything was conducted online. Fortunately, I focused on the lectures and I was able to submit the hands-on assessment to my mentor. This workshop was very fun and I am grateful that I met a lot of amazing people from this workshop.