[ExCel] Building the WhatsApp UI with Flutter

Activity Information

Date: 9 October 2020

Time: 3.00 p.m. - 5.45 p.m.

Venue/Platform: YouTube

Organizer: Developer Student Club (DSC) UTM


  • Participant

Graduate Attributes

  • Thinking Skills
  • Adaptability



By attending this event, I was able to understand what is Flutter and why it is useful when we want to design an application UI. I think this event was very beneficial because the speaker explained the Dart programming language clearly and this event was very well-organized. The programming language really requires thinking skills because we had to think about the most suitable syntax that we need to use when designing an application or software. Apart from the thinking skills, this event also enhanced my adaptability because I had to understand and familiar with the new IDE which is the Visual Studio Code instead of my commonly used IDE. Owing to the internet connection in my residential area is not very good, I was afraid that I missed the explanation by the speaker during the event. Fortunately, the organizer kept the streaming so that every participant can view the video after the event ended. I realized that I can understand the content that the talker trying to deliver during the event. This made me feel grateful because I was able to digest the knowledge from the speaker.


Mini Report