Technology Information System

Here ,I have uploaded some of my works related to Technology system.

Industrial Talk 1

This poster is made on Industrial Transformation.

Industrial talk 1(Poster)

Industrial Talk 2

Report name:  The Importance and Trending of IT Project

This report article indicates or
carries how to manage or handle a project to
make it proper and successful. 

Industrial Talk 2

Inspiring work experience with alumni

On the 29th Dec 2020 a virtual meeting was held
through webex meeting to inspire the young
students on how to gain work experience and be
ready for their upcoming future.

Report name: Inspiring work experience with alumni

Report on inspiring work experience with alumni

slide presentation

Design Thinking

Me and my teammates had done a design thinking project on Smart Matric Card to solve the problem of entry card in Malaysia.

Design Thinking report

External media

Literature Review

Literature Review: 

Cloud Computing Fundamentals: A Review on Cloud Computing Service

PC Assembly

After seeing all the major components of a computer hardware it is a report written with every parts related to computer hardware with it's specialty.

PC Assembly

Reflection on Technology Information System

Subject Name: Technology and Information System (SECP1513)

We have done so many activities in this course. Our lecturer Dr Mohd Shahizan Othman was really friendly and cooperative. It was a blessing to have him as my lecturer. He tried to make everything interesting. Such as we have learn design thinking and made a project based on that. Here is a summary of our project-

  • The project was envisioned to mitigate the analogue system to digital system. This project is a part of Information Systems. Four members of group 5 tried to invent an idea for the execution of this project together on 14.11.2020 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. They tried to solve the issue with their own design thinking. It is important to advert that design thinking is a design methodology that provides a solution to break out the problems which is extremely useful. It is a new thought with digital system. There is no data storage limitation like papers it will take only a few bites to record. It will record the exact time. The Data spoil ratio is reduced. It will have secured data changes. The information can be changed only by the authority. It can be used in security purpose.

This idea is not only for this pandemic but also it can be further used for our class attendance and can save time in exams


We have done an assignment on PC assembly. This helped me a lot to know about the parts of a PC. We have joined many webinar. One of them were Alumni Sharing. The alumni of UTM's shared their experiences and how are they doing at their workplace, the job opportunities now a days and so on. We have learnt Security system ,Secondary Storage, Input and Output devices, The System Unit, Network system and many more.


Our lecturer was really friendly and cooperative