SECI2143-02 Probability & Statistical Data Analysis



Introduction Project 1

PSDA Project is about descriptive Statistics whereby the students have to study about a topic and reflect the outcome is the form of statistical and graphical representation. My team studied about the Morning Routine of UTM Students in the scope of choice of daily breakfast intake and their preference to carry out morning exercise. In order to effectively conduct the study, we referred to many different online resources to better understand the topic. There are 3 phases in Project 1 which are online surveying, report writing and presentation.

Project 1 Presentation Video

Project 1 Report

Conclusion Project 1

In the end, we managed to achieve the primary objective of the project regarding the Morning Routine of UTM students. By conducting this project, I got to gain many new experiences, knowledge and lessons that are very useful. The data analysis process by representing it in graphical form enable us to understand the study much better. In this moment, I would also like to thank my team members ; Jeggean and Wei Hong for contributing greatly in completing the project 1 successfully.

Project 1 Reflections RSS


Presentation of Project 1

We reached the final stage of Project 1. Here, we have to do a offline presentation on the topic of study. Again, we discussed to divide the tasks among us and beginned working the presentation. It was challenging without face-to-face discussions as well as proper communication to plan the presentation properly. However, we managed to overcome the obstacle by regularly updating our progress to ensure everyone in the group is on track and avoid miscommunications. After that, Jeggean took the responsibility for final integration of all our parts into single video and final editting. It was totally a new experience with lots of new things learnt at the end of the group project. Nevertheless, i personally prefer offline presentation as I got the chance to give out the best presentation which is much more efficient and less prone to errors.

Report for Project 1

After analysing the data collected, we were able to gain lots of insightful information about the morning routine of UTM students. We used all those information gathered to write our report for the project 1.  The representation of data in graphical representation enable us to easily reflect on the topic we are studying. We managed to understand the preference of breakfast as well as their preference for morning exercise as part of daily morning routine among UTM students. After that, we checked through the report to correct grammatical and sentence structure errors.

Initiatation of Study

After collecting the data based on the responses from online questionnaire, we started to analyse the data. We used the R Studio IDE for data analysis purposes. In my experience, it was challenging to learn and apply the R programming knowledge at the same time. However, I managed my self to be better and adapt to the quicker learning curve. Using R Studio IDE, we managed to represent the data in various forms which can be easily interpreted. We do also referred to a few online resources to help with the data analysis process. 

2nd Stage of Project 1

At this stage, we finalised all the questions to be included in the questionnaire. I played the role for checking/correcting grammatical and sentence structure errors. After that, Jeggean create an online questionnaire to be sent to the students in UTM. Then, we sent the questionnaire to all our Whatsapp groups in UTM. We decided to accept responses for 2 weeks of time. At the middle of the period, we realised that the response rate is quite low,thus we encouraged more of our friends and classmates to be respondants for our study. At the end of  2 weeks time, we managed to gather enough responses to conduct our study.

Planning Stage for Project 1

Once we formed a group of 3 consisting of me, Jeggean and Wei Hong, we started to think about the topic. We decided to work on a topic related to student lifestyle. After discussing about several topics in mind we finally decided to study about the Daily Morning Routine of UTM students. We also focussed more on the preference of breakfast intake by UTM students and their preference to carry out morning exercise. After that, we started to study the current trend and issues involving the topic that we have selected from the internet. It helped us to create our questions for the study. After creating the questions, we consulted with Dr. Chan about the relevance and suitability of the questions in our topic of study. He gave us insightful advice on how to conduct the study much more effectively as well as suggested several improvisations on the questions we have created. Later, we proceeded to the next stage of our project.
