ExCEL Prerequisite

Report Activity No 2


Programme Information

  • Date             : 10th December to 11th December 2020
  • Venue          :  Virtual Platform (PERSAKA Official Facebook Page)
  • Organizer    :  Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA)

Mini Report

  • Report on COMPFAIR 2020

Self Reflection

As the program director, I was in charge in making sure that the program could be held. From the per-planning phase till the post-mortem, I am in charge of the whole thing. I need to delegate the task accordingly to respective position in the committee. Most important, I am in charge of finding and recruiting the right committee members that could make sure the program can run successfully.

     Several meetings were held with the high council of PERSAKA in order to give the latest update about current progress for each bureau. We update everything during the planning phase. As I am the Director, I need to present it to the high council of PERSAKA, thus a weekly meeting is setup by me so that each bureau can update their progress to me so that I could deliver it to the higher council.

     Some of the activities held in CompFair 2020 are Programming Battle, a platform for students to showcase their coding & programming skills, Prep talk was one of the ways of talk which allow speakers to interact with audiences for a particular theme such as “Mental Skills is Important as Other Skills” conducted by Dr. Zulfikar Ahmad from UTM Counselling Centre, “Challenges During Start-up and How to Survive” conducted by Dr. Ruzimi Mohamed from IMI Creative Sd. Bhd., and “Get to Know the Reality of Internship” conducted by internship students from UTM during the event. Other than that, Computing Alumni League (CAL) which is a forum that brought the topic of “Journey from Engineering to Entrepreneurship”, was conducted by UTM alumni, the CEO and COO of RunCloud company, Mr. Arif Tukiman and Mr. Amir Fazwan.

     I do feel grateful that in a month time, I could make sure that the program run smoothly. I really help me in enhancing some of the core skills which is leadership and teamworking skills, communication skills and thinking skills.


Graduate Attributes

  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Thinking Skills

Role in the Program

  • Director of Programme
