In a car's system, the characteristic is a very important component, since it is responsible
to show the car actual performance. As time goes by, there are various types of cars being
created all over the world such as sports cars, minivans, sedans, coupes and many more. Not
only that, the cars’ characteristics also have different types as it can affect the car performance.

It is really important for buyers to know which car is the best and suits their style. Hence, the
purpose of this project is to determine whether one of the characteristics can affect the other
part of the car or not.

The data set is analyzed through several statistical tests such as hypothesis
testing, correlation, regression and also chi-square test of independence to yield an accurate
result. R-studio software has been used to carry out the statistical analysis on the chosen
variables in the data set.





Conducting this project was challenging at the beginning but turned out to be very interesting and fun. I gained a lot of knowledge while conducting this project. Mainly, I learned how to use RStudio. Even though I have been using RStudio throughout the semester, using RStudio with a different set of data my groupmate and I gathered from the internet was a new experience for me. I learned how to do hypothesis tests with RStudio. Besides, my groupmate and I also exchanged knowledge on how to do Correlation test, Regression test and Chi-Square test of independence in RStudio. Besides, I learned how to manage my time in finishing up this project. Moreover, editing and recording video was also interesting and fun to do and learn. Last but not least, conducting the whole project was a process of learning for me. All the knowledge will be definitely useful for me and my future.