

I am affirmations !


  1. I am grateful for who I am and can be.
  2. I am devoted to uncovering the gems that are already here
  3. I am enough and I have everything I need to get to where I want to be.
  4. I am a magnet for the experiences I most desire.
  5. I am grateful for every gift that I’ve been given, have now, and have yet to receive.
  6. I am an alchemist.
  7. I am worthy enough to tune into the abundant nature of who I can be and what I can create.
  8. I am full of life and filled with possibility.
  9. I am ever-expanding yet whole; wise enough to know that there is plenty left to learn; humble and happy as I grow




Reflection on life RSS

I believe that , you have the rights to life your life the way you desire with some restrictions that shoush be followed to maintain civilized state of mind .


This the refelection for my Individual Project in PSDA.


Tanggapan awal dan Refleksi Akhir

 Hari ini merupakan hari terakhir saya dalam kelas , pemikiran sains dan Teknologi . Saya berasa amat bangga kerana , saya berjaya menambahkan ilmu dalam subjek ini . Saya  , berjaya mengumpulkan maklumat mengenai tokoh-tokoh  yang terlibat dalam peningkatan taraf Teknologi pada masa dahulu sehingga sekarang . Saya juga mendapat tahu fungsi fungsi teori teori sosial yang boleh dipergunakan dalam kehidupan harian kita saya juga mendapat tahu masalah masalah yang kita menghadapi dari segi sosial , ekonomi , sains dan Teknologi dan cara cara untuk meyelasailan masalah masalah tersebut. Saya juga mendapat tahu cara cara untuk mencipta sesuatu dengan menggunakan kaedah kaedah seperti "design thinking " yang membantu kita mencipta projek seperti color Genix . Saya juga mendapat tahu kegunaan dan kemajuan Teknologi pada masa depan , dan persediaan yang kita perlu melakukan untuk menghadapinya . Saya juga mendapat tahu industri industri yang sedang berkembang maju , supaya saya meningkatkan pengetahuaan saya dalam bidang tersebut.  Kesemua pengetahuaan ini , saya dapat daripada seminar sains dan Teknologi . Saya juga mendapat tahu cara berfungsi sebagai anggota masyarakat dan cara cara untuk meningkatkan prestasi kita sebagai individu . Pensayarah saya membantu saya dari segi , menambahkan ilmu pengetahuaan dan menjadi seorang individu yang rasional

Reflections on Failure

 How do you truly define success? Is it winning city championships? Or simply trying you're very best? Is it defined by the scoreboard, you're record or victories? To be honest winning really doesn't mean nothing to me. People tend to always get winning and success mixed up, and if someone fails people assume they just didn't work hard enough. To me, winning is nothing more than an illusion; the true winner is one who fails over and over and still keeps their feet moving. It's not about your win percentage or your season record; it's about how this season has transformed you and made you better. Not only on the field but as an overall person; how you overcame all those hard times when you were painfully hurting. Perseverance truly defines the winners in life, and those who are truly successful did not only fail once, but more than twice. They had the courage to rise from the ashes and dust off their clothes; They were determined to keep their feet moving even after people stepped on their toes. Winning is nothing more than just a title, and championships are just another false idol. Winning is learning about yourself, your determination; How long one can fail and still say they have a dream they're chasing. Stay strong. Stand tall. Success comes to those who rise again even after they fall.
