Ragu Raju Naidu A/ L S Palani Raju Naidu



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Hi , there I am Ragu .I am an energetic , curious guy with vigour to learn new things in my life . I hope I could bring a change in whatever field I pursue in the future . I hope I could be an impact in people's life .



My entire résumé

Cover letter

Hi , there I am Ragu .I am an energetic , curious guy with vigour to learn new things in my life . I hope I could bring a change in whatever field I pursue in the future . I hope I could be an impact in people's life .




3.General knowledge

4. Political science and social welfare

5.Tracks and field 

6. Physics



9.Human interaction .

10.Hinduism and Tamil culture.

Personal information

Date of birth 23 February 2000
Place of birth Mentakab,Pahang.
Citizenship Malaysia
Visa status -
Gender identity Man
Marital status Single


Personal goals

My goal is to set up my own firm in IT field .

I also want to bring change to pepplpeo life through my volunteering program worldwide .

I want to settle a healthy life for mt parents and siblings .

I want to have a peaceful yet challenging life with my future spouse in a confortable house .

Academic goals

I want to be Computer Science graduate .

Career goals

I want to set up my own firm and be an imoaim in the field I pursue in future .


Personal skills

I am good in coordinating events , clubs and association . I am good in delivering instructions and giving moral support to people. I am a good athlete especially in tracs and field . 

Academic skills

I am good in memorising. I read wikipedia pages alot . Thus I gained a whole lot of general knowledge from it .I am good in doing last minute work.

Work skills

I  am good in analyzing problems and find solutions . I am good in instructing people . I am good in giving moral support whenever my working team facing set backs.


Employment history

I worked as cashier after completing my Pre-University.

Address: Bentong , Pahang .
Education history

I am studying in Data Engineering field which is quite a new thing for Malaysia. UTM is the only University to offer this course in Malaysia . After graduating , I should be abled to perform task related to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence .

Address: Skudai , Johor Bharu.

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Malaysian matriculation is a 10 month pre-Uni program that is offered for selected outstanding students by the goverment as a preparatory before entering University . 

I studied in KMNS . It is located in Kuala Pilah a small

developing Town nearby Seremban City . It was a beautiful memory to study in Matriculation .

I learnt a lot in matriculation , especially a whole lot of soft skills like leadership skills , communication skills, and event organizing methods . 

I made a lot of friends there . They helped me a lot throughout the program . Without them , I would not of survived any longer since we studied for 8 hours per day .

I took module 1 in matriculation which comprimise Biology , Chemistry , Physics and Mathematics .I got cgpa 3.6 , which made me qualify for applying research university in Malaysia. 

I would like take this opportunity to thank my lecturers , friends , and classmates in KMNS

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Address: Kuala Pilah , Negeri Sembilan

I study here for 5 years .

I got 8 A in my PT3.

I got 9A in my SPM .

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Address: Triang , Pahang .

I study here for 6 years .

I made a lot of choldhood friends here. I got 6A in my UPSR here . WhatsApp Image 2019-12-29 at 22.27.05 (1).jpegWhatsApp Image 2019-12-29 at 22.26.11 (1).jpeg

Address: Triang , Pahang .

Certifications, accreditations and awards

I represented my district to State level football tournament .