Graduate Success Attributes



⚡Activity 1⚡


Train of Thought

       The game that we make is called Train of Thought. This game is quite similar to 'Radio Rosak'. This game has to be played in groups. The number of players in the group should be more than four individuals. So that the game will be quite interesting.  The leader of the group should come forward and choose a category to play. The category can be anything, for example, sports, animals, songs, idioms, occupations and many more. The phrases that they act out will be according to the category they choose. For example, if the category is animals the phrase will be 'monkey is climbing'. Each category will have 10 phrases. The very first player of the group will stand facing the referee while other players in the group should stand facing the opposite side. The referee will show the phrase they need to act out to the first player. As soon as the first player see the phrase he or she need to turn and call the second layer by tapping on his or her shoulder and act it out to him or her. He or she can only use sign languages or any action. This process will continue till the last player. The last player should guess the answer and write it down on a piece of paper. He or she cannot shout the answer. Players cannot speak or show signs using mouth throughout the game. After the last player write down the answers, they can move onto the next phrase. Marks will be given based on how many phrases they guess correctly and how long they took to get all the answers.

        From the game that had been conducted, there are a lot of advantages or values that we noticed from it. Firstly we could not imagine this when we first heard of it, but by doing this game has made we believe more in our ability to do things we had not imagined before. We learned how to work as a team to creatively create a game that would entertain and educate us at the same time. The process of creating this game was fun as it involved almost nothing but hand work like cutting in the form of a game. Next, what we can learn from the game is that we have to convey the news accurately and review the information first. We must also think critically about interpreting information before presenting it to public. This is very useful in our life as a student that will become an employee or a leader in certain organization. We hope that this game has a positive impact on students and try to apply these values in life. It was a fun game!



⚡Activity 2⚡


      Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. One of the aspects to be a critical thinker is by thinking outside of the box. After we apply this aspect in our task, we come out with two different shows. For show 1, we did the traditional dance performance which was Tarian Dikir Puteri. Some of the actual steps were being improvised and we also created some of new steps without loosed its authenticity. Next, for show 2, we present the zumba dance. Zumba dance is a fitness program that consist of modern dance.

      Through these activities, we could learn how to appreciate our traditional culture. Our group dancing to the traditional dance for the first performance in order for us to learn and appreciate our traditional dance that slowly have been forgotten. More, other race could teach each other traditional culture through the performance. All of us can learn how to dancing the traditional dance in a short time. We also could know and learn about the traditional songs. Most of us does not know and forget the traditional songs. So, this performance is the perfect platform for us to reminisce our old memory or learn about it.

     Next, for our second performance we dancing to the modern dance. From this, we could distinguish between traditional and modern culture. How the dance and songs have been changed. Other than that, the modern dance or  Zumba also can be used as exercises. Because of our busy life, we often ignore the healthy life style. Through the dance, it could lead to the healthy life. While exercise, we also could enjoy and release our stress through the music.

     In conclusion, it is importance for us as a folk to have a knowledge about our traditional culture but it is also must for us to have knowledge about the modern culture. We should have a balance knowledge and life style in our life.




⚡Activity 3⚡


          For the activity 3, we were given a task to produce a movie based on theme that we chose. We chose entrepreneurship as our theme and subject for our movie. From the making of the movie, we learned how to write a good scripts and also be creative in order to make our movie enjoyable and not boring. I was very thankful to my group members as they gave their full of commitments to act their scenes well.  



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