By nature, I am a reserved person and hardly talking to other people. However, I try to change myself into a brave, friendly, and active. As a leader, being active is one of the characteristics you must have to lead your group. Apart from that, communication and cooperation also essential to conduct the project. For this project, I was selected as a leader during PR4. We have a brief discussion about the task requirements, and everybody participates in the meeting and explains their understanding of the task. I would listen to all opinions and conclude the discussion. Listening to other opinions is a crucial aspect of the project. It ensures communication breaks down, and nobody is ignored. Besides, others' opinions may improve the content of the project by expanding each other knowledge. After the discussion, I would inform them about the task division. To ensure everybody got a fair task distribution, I would list down the requirements. Based on total tasks, each member may take two tasks. If one member does not understand or not sure about their work, the member will instantly inform me for an explanation. I guided the member by providing some examples and explanations on how to do it. Through being a leader, I evaluated myself as a good leader but still lacking in many ways. Though I had a few experiences, I tried my best to lead the group and conduct the project. It's not easy to complete a project virtually, but everybody gives excellent cooperation. The project finished without any difficulties. Thus, I think my leadership skill is in level two. There is a lot to improve, and I am sure experiences taught you various skills. I will grow slowly through the experiences.