Report Activity No 3

Program Information

Date: 23rd - 26th November 2021

Venue: Online Platform

Organizer: Persatuan Mahasiswa Komputer Sains (PERSAKA)


Graduate Attributes

1. Teamworking skills

2. Communication skills

3. Global citizen



I was designated in the multimedia unit and in charge of designing program posters and backdrops.


Mini Report

Comp Fair '21 is one of the largest annual IT events held for the School of Computing. It handles various programs for computing students to learn, nourishes their skills, and provide services to help with students' situations. Apart from talk sessions, this program also offers a fitness program, seminar on entrepreneurship, and tutorial on using adobe software. I got an offer to join this program due to my experiences in participating in the multimedia unit for other programs. Besides the offer, I joined this program to acquire new knowledge in academic-related courses. The committees communicate with each other a lot to ensure every program runs smoothly. This program focused more on global-citizen attributes to make an impact upon university life and engage them with academic activities. On top of that, due to the pressure of online learning, the program provides mental health talk for them to help them handle the situation and make aerobic as an initiative to release their tension and keep a healthy body. The program also offers paid classes for programming and adobe software to improve their techniques.



Joining this large program is indeed beneficial for me to acquire more experiences by working with more people. I am able to reflect on my shortfall and ability to conduct the program.  I am an open-minded person, so, any opinions and arguments were settled fastly. Regarding the program, It was well organized and everything was done within the time given. For participants, the program gives an impact on their well-being and gave them additional knowledge in editing and programming. Students are also able to learn financial management and vocational skills through webinars conducted. The academic program does make us learn about each other's values. We faced a crisis due to some ignorance and intolerance but we took this challenge by voicing opinions and building trust within a group. Respecting, understanding opposing perspectives and sensing their role are the keys to improve our group quality. We managed to wrap up the program successfully.

