Report Activity No. 3

Engagement with Principal, Fellow Council and JKM KTDI 19/20

Program Informations

Date: 18th February 2020

Venue: Dewan Sri Resak, Kolej Tun Dr Ismail (KTDI)

Organizer: Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa KTDI


Graduates Attributes

1. Leadership


Position/ Role in the Programme



Mini Report

Engagement with Principal, Fellow Council and JKM KTDI 19/20 program was held at Dewan Sri Resak, KTDI from 7.45 p.m. until 10 p.m. The program started with the arrival of KTDI's principal and fellow council. Then, a doa was recited by one of the Jawatankuasa Mahasiswa Kolej (JKM) members, to bless the event. After that, the principal was invited by the MC to give a talk and was introduced to the new first year students. He then gives speeches about safety and encourage students to be active in co-curricular activities to spend their free times. Then, the MC introduced each of the fellow council members. Finally, the program ended with a video presentation of events that were held by JKM KTDI.



This event that were held every semester is a very good way to engage with the principal and fellow council. As students that lives in college, this event was important as we got to know who should we call for when there was an emergency etc. I also learned leadership skills from this event. As we lives in a college, we live as a community with other fellow students and we have to be aware of everything that happened around us. 

