Report Activity No. 2

Huawei Connected Campus 2020

Program Informations

Date: 3rd March 2020

Venue: Dewan Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Organizer: School of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Graduate Attributes

1. Leadership and Teamworking Skills

2. Enterprising Skills

3. Communication Skills


Position/ Role in the Programme



Mini Report

Huawei Connected Campus 2020 program was held in Dewan Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. with two sessions. Since I had class in the morning, I joined the second session of the program. Huawei is one of the leading global tech company and this program perks my interest because it includes career talk, business and HR insights. The second session started around 2.30 p.m. and Dewan Sultan Iskandar was crowded with students finding their seats. The first speaker gave talk about Huawei as a company, their visions and missions in developing new technologies in the future. The second speaker was from Human Resources talked about self-marketing and how to advertise one-self in the industries. She also gave some tips on job-looking and inspired the students to be more confident about their skills. Finally, the program ended with Q&A sessions where students were given the opportunity to ask any questions about Huawei or career in the technology industries in general.



In this program, I really learned a lot more about Huawei as a technology company and I also learned about leadership skills that were needed in building a technology business and competing with the ever-growing industries. I also learned that communication skills is very important for every students to master as it will be applied in our career when working with teams. Then, I also learned about enterprising skills and how to advertise myself in the industries. In a whole, this program gives me a new perspective and what to expect when I started my career. In my opinion, it was a really good idea to collaborate with Huawei and other technology company in the future to hold this career talk with students and prepares them for the industries. 



Huawei Connected Campus 2020
