Report Activity No. 1

Delegation: School of Computing 2020

Program Informations

Date: 27th February 2020

Venue: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia UTHM

Organizer: Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Graduates Attributes

1. Leadership and Teamworking Skills

2. Communication Skills

3. Adaptability


Position/ Role in the Programme



Mini Report

Delegation: School of Computing 2020 is a program where students between two universities collaborate to build a connection through differences which is something that gave me the interest to join it. The day of the program we used two buses as our transportation to go to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). We got together in the morning and arrived around 10 a.m. at UTHM. We were welcomed by the members of Kelab Teknologi Maklumat (ITCFSKTM) UTHM warmly. Then, we gathered in the hall and both representatives from both universities gave speeches of welcome and thank you. Then, the leader of the delegation and the leader of the ITCFSKTM gave a presentation that introduced their respective faculty clubs and the event that were handled by both club. After that, an ice breaking took hold between all the students and we moved to the next session where we toured around UTHM. There were also activities as a sling session between the tours. Finally, a photo session were held with all the participants of the program before we end the day.



In this program, I learned a lot of things about the leadership through the discussions and activities that were held. I also learned communication skills in the discussions and the adaptability skills as I met new friends surrounded with a new environment. In my opinion, this program leaves an impact towards me as I see new perspectives as a software engineering students in other universities. It really helps to give me an insight of what to improve of myself in the future and I also believe that our School of Computing students also learned something new from our visits to UTHM. It was such a pleasant experience as I met the other students and sharing our own experiences and connected through it. The fact that we connected through the differences leaves an impression towards me that sometimes differences can be a good thing. Finally, I hope that this delegation program can be held again in the future.



Delegation: School of Computing 2020
