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Research Information Literacy for Undergraduate

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Program Brief Information

Date: 17th April 2023

Venue: Cisco Webex

Organizer: UTM Library

Role: Participant




I found out about lots of helpful things at the UTM Library in a webinar. The webinar talked about tools like a search tool, borrowing from other libraries, online resources, document management, and online courses. This info will be handy for my classes and research. It will help me pick the right resources for what I need. Going to the library also taught me how to find info for my research quickly using a computer system called OPAC and online databases. If the library doesn't have what I need, I can ask for it through ILL, which is pretty cool. These skills will surely make my future research better.

In the webinar, they showed us a new tool called "DMS" for managing documents in the UTM library. It made me realize how important it is to organize digital files well. Now, I want to learn more about how DMS works to make my work easier and keep my files in order. I also found out that UTM offers a free online course called MOOC. This is great because it lets me learn more about topics related to my research and improve my skills. I can use these online courses to add to what I'm learning in school and boost my career skills.

I took part in an online talk and noticed how I talk and think. This webinar taught me to think more carefully and understand info better. It encouraged me to get better at thinking when doing research as a student. This online meeting helped me learn important things about the UTM library and made me better at finding info for my research. I'm excited to use what I learned in this online seminar to make the library's resources better for my future learning and research projects.

Mini Report

This webinar addresses two crucial aspects for individuals who have completed their studies: adept communication and effective critical thinking. Communication skills facilitate the articulation of research needs, collaboration with others, and the concise explanation of research findings. The capacity for critical thinking and information evaluation enhances our comprehension of research. My participation in a webinar on research information literacy improved my utilization of the UTM Library for studying and conducting research, equipping me with valuable skills. OPAC, ILL, Online Databases, DMS, and UTM MOOCs serve as beneficial tools to enhance my research capabilities.

Initially, participants accessed the online meeting through a Webex link. Registering for the online seminar was required using the provided link on the e-learning website, which we shared on our online learning platform. Subsequently, participants gained insights into the array of useful website links available at the UTM Library. This experience broadened my awareness of the library's resources and how to leverage them for future learning and research endeavors.


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Program Brief Information

Date : 13 October 2023

Venue : Dewan Sultan Ibrahim, UTM

Organizer : MPP UTM

Role : Participant


Photos During UNBOCS'23

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Participating in the UTM UNBOCS Carnival 2023's first day had a profound impact on my personal and professional growth. Beyond providing a welcome break from my academic routine, the event served as a fertile ground for generating new ideas and establishing meaningful connections.

As I navigated through the myriad club booths, each exuding its unique charm, the carnival became a portal to explore the diverse facets of UTM's rich campus culture. Engaging with the various uniformed bodies, clubs, associations, and organizations, I discovered a opportunities, each booth offering a glimpse into the passionate pursuits and interests that thrive within UTM.

This experience underscored the importance of balancing academic pursuits with extracurricular activities. Participating in events like UNBOCS contributes to a holistic educational experience, fostering both personal and professional growth.

The insights and connections garnered from this event will undoubtedly benefit my future endeavors, both in my studies and my career in software engineering.

Mini Report

Designed to acquaint students with the diverse range of uniformed bodies, clubs, associations, and organizations at UTM, this carnival ensures an immersive and enriching experience. The event transforms club booths into vibrant showcases, providing a dynamic platform for these entities to highlight their unique offerings and activities.

Participating in the inaugural day of the UTM UNBOCS Carnival 2023 was a memorable experience. Held at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, the carnival served as a lively center for students to delve into extracurricular activities, offering a welcome respite from our demanding academic schedules.

The UNBOCS Carnival transcended being merely a day of activities; it marked the initiation of new ideas, relationships, and inspirations that could influence our careers and personal growth.


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Program Brief Information

Date: 12th October 2022

Venue: Sultan Iskandar Hall (DSI)

Organizer: UTM

Role: Participant



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Attending this was really useful for me. I learned that being open to new ideas and handling different situations is crucial. Adapting to changes is important for both school and work success. This event inspired me to have a flexible mindset, always seeking ways to improve and learn new things.

I also noticed that good communication skills were highlighted at the event. Speaking clearly and listening well in important conversations is essential. This made me want to enhance my communication abilities, understanding their significance in both school and work environments. Additionally, learning how to think critically, solve problems, and analyze information was emphasized as valuable knowledge. The Vice Chancellor stressed these skills for tackling difficult problems, encouraging habits like asking questions, checking information reliability, and generating new ideas. This event motivated me to think more creatively and apply my ideas in various academic and real-world situations.

Overall, attending this event made me reflect on my progress and desire to keep improving in different aspects of my schoolwork. I realized that by adjusting to different situations, improving communication, and enhancing critical thinking, I could excel and succeed. This event inspired me to contemplate how I can become a better person and engage in activities that bring me happiness.

Mini Report

This event aimed to help students become better by teaching them important skills. They learned to adjust to new situations, talk well, and solve problems. The university leaders said being quick to change and adapt is crucial in today's world. Students were encouraged to be open, try new things, and learn to handle different situations for success.

The event highlighted the importance of good communication for both jobs and personal growth. Students had a chance to ask questions and were urged to be curious, think carefully, and find creative solutions to real-world problems. Overall, the goal was to give students the abilities needed to succeed in their personal lives and future jobs by learning to adapt, communicate well, and think critically in a constantly changing world.
