Date : 21/12/2023 - 23/12/2023

Organizer : Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer(PERSAKA)

Venue : Sport Hall UTM, Padang Ragbi UTM, K9,K10 Basketball Court UTM

Mini Report

Mini Report on the SUSKOM Event

As a committee member of the  Sukan Sains Komputer 2023 (SUSKOM'23) event, this mini report outlines the rationale for joining as a committee, with a focus on protocol and technical aspects, along with the targeted Graduate Attributes. Additionally, it provides an overview of the planned content for the event organized by Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer(PERSAKA), Fakulti Komputeran

The SUSKOM event, scheduled for 21 December 23 until 23 December 23, is a dynamic sports competition involving computing students from various programs. Participants have the opportunity to represent their courses in a variety of activities such as badminton, frisbee, chess, basketball, and futsal.

SUSKOM event is not just about sports but also about fostering teamwork, discipline, and friendly competition among computing students. The inclusion of diverse activities ensures engagement from students with varying interests and skills.

As a committee member, I have observed the dedicated efforts of all team members, working diligently to ensure the smooth execution and success of the program. The collaborative spirit among committee members is crucial in creating an enjoyable and memorable experience for all participants.

In line with Graduate Attributes, SUSKOM aims to enhance students' abilities not only in their respective sports but also in areas such as leadership, communication, and teamwork. This event encourages the development of a holistic skill set that goes beyond academic achievements.

Furthermore, the SUSKOM event has attracted participation not only from local computing students but also from international students, fostering a sense of camaraderie and cultural exchange within the computing community.

In conclusion, SUSKOM is poised to be a vibrant and inclusive event that not only promotes physical well-being but also cultivates essential life skills among computing students. The committee is committed to ensuring the success of the event, and we look forward to a day filled with sportsmanship, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments.

Self reflection

As a committee member of the SUSKOM (Sport Komputasi) event, I find it essential to reflect on the valuable experiences and skills gained throughout the planning and execution of the program.

First and foremost, SUSKOM provided an excellent platform for enhancing communication skills. Collaborating with fellow committee members required effective communication to ensure tasks were assigned, understood, and executed seamlessly. Clear and open communication was crucial in overcoming challenges and ensuring the overall success of the event.

Thinking skills were consistently put to the test during SUSKOM. As a committee, we needed to think critically and strategically to plan and execute the diverse activities included in the event. Finding innovative solutions to unforeseen issues and ensuring the smooth flow of the program demanded constant critical thinking. This experience has undoubtedly sharpened my ability to think on my feet and make informed decisions under pressure.

Moreover, the event emphasized the importance of leadership and teamworking skills. As a committee member, I had the opportunity to witness effective leadership in action and understand the significance of teamwork. Assigning roles, coordinating efforts, and working together towards a common goal were essential aspects that contributed to the overall success of SUSKOM. These experiences have provided valuable insights into the dynamics of effective teamwork and leadership.

Participating in SUSKOM has not only enhanced my organizational and planning skills but has also instilled a sense of responsibility and commitment. Being part of a team and contributing to the success of the event has been a rewarding experience that I believe will positively impact my future endeavors.

In conclusion, the SUSKOM event has been a rich learning experience, providing me with practical skills and insights that extend beyond the realm of event planning. It has been a journey of personal and professional growth, and I am confident that the lessons learned and skills acquired will serve me well in future collaborative and leadership roles.

Position In The Activity

  • Committee -  Activity Unit
  •  Participants - Mixed Double Badminton

Graduate Attributes

1. Communication skills

2. Thinking skills.

3. Teamworking skills.