Venue: Steamyard and Facebook PEMATA UTM


Self reflection

As the Vice President of the SPONSORSHIP SUCCESS SERIES program, the experience of overseeing various units and aspects of the event has been both challenging and rewarding. Managing multiple units requires a delicate balance of leadership, organization, and effective communication.

Firstly, coordinating the efforts of different units, such as logistics, marketing, and speaker coordination, demanded a high level of organizational skills. Ensuring that each unit was aligned with the overall objectives of the program was crucial. This required meticulous planning and constant communication to address any challenges and keep the program on track.

One of the key challenges faced was ensuring smooth communication between units. As the Vice President, I had to establish clear channels of communication, streamline information flow, and provide necessary support to each unit. Regular check-ins and meetings were essential to address any concerns promptly and foster a collaborative working environment.

Being responsible for the success of the program meant handling unexpected issues and making quick decisions. This experience has significantly enhanced my problem-solving skills and ability to think on my feet. It also highlighted the importance of flexibility and adaptability in event management.

In conclusion, leading the SPONSORSHIP SUCCESS SERIES program has been a significant learning journey. It has honed my organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills while emphasizing the importance of teamwork and collaboration across various units. The experience has provided valuable insights into event management and leadership, which I believe will be beneficial in future endeavors.

Mini Report

The SPONSORSHIP SUCCESS SERIES event, held on January 12, 2024, was a noteworthy initiative aimed at providing valuable insights into the process of securing sponsorships from companies and other entities. This program was strategically designed to educate participants on the intricacies of acquiring sponsorships, a crucial skill for individuals and organizations seeking financial support for various initiatives.

One of the distinctive features of this event was its inclusivity. The program was open to all students, both from UTM and non-UTM backgrounds. This inclusiveness contributed to a diverse and dynamic audience, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and experiences among participants from different academic disciplines and institutions.

The SPONSORSHIP SUCCESS SERIES delved into various aspects of the sponsorship acquisition process. Participants had the opportunity to learn about effective strategies for approaching companies, creating compelling proposals, and establishing meaningful partnerships. Expert speakers and industry professionals shared their experiences and insights, providing practical tips and best practices to enhance participants' understanding of the sponsorship landscape.

The event also facilitated networking opportunities, allowing participants to connect with professionals and peers interested in sponsorship-related endeavors. This networking aspect provided a platform for sharing success stories, challenges faced, and collaborative opportunities, thereby enriching the learning experience and building a supportive community interested in sponsorship pursuits.

By opening this program to students beyond the UTM community, the organizers recognized the importance of broadening access to valuable knowledge and skill-building opportunities. This approach aligns with the spirit of collaboration and knowledge-sharing, emphasizing that the skills acquired during the SPONSORSHIP SUCCESS SERIES are applicable and beneficial to a diverse range of individuals, irrespective of their educational backgrounds.

Position In The Activity

Committee - Vice Director


Graduate Attributes

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Thinking Skills
  3. Leadership and Teamworking Skills