Prerequisite for ExCel Report Activity 3


Programme Information

Date: 6th March 2020

Venue: Balai Cerap, KTDI, UTM Skudai

Organizer: SCSR students

Graduates Attributes

1. Communication Skills

2. Adaptability

3. Thinking skills

4. Teamworking


I participate the BBQ session as a helper hand and as a transporter who help transport the other participants to the venue place, almost 1 km climbing road.


On preparation phase, I've joined during the evening session where me and roommates which is SCSR students as well goes to backup the preparation team since they did not yet perform their prayer. I help setup the venue, putting the brownies on the plate, arrange the plate in order and cutting fruit. During that time, I saw that there is not barrier between senior and junior. They all act like a family with each other. The seniors talk much things with the junior students especially their intern's experience. The junior are very shy at first but the seniors behavior towards them are so gentle, it breaks the barrier. 

During the venue, from 1SCSR to 4SCSR, we all had so much fun with a few of entertaining activity. One of the activity is Kahoot. I remember the question is about this 1 Arabian boy which is famous of his public speaking skills and teaching way. His name is Abdullah from our class and in the Kahoot question about where is he from. It is my own classmate  and I am very embarrassed that I answered wrong in that question. Luckily, he wasn't there due to some reason. 

Finally, all I can say was that 1SCSR to 4SCSR  really enjoyed the moment and there were no barrier between senior and junior. The real goals of the BBQ was achieved.

Mini Report

On 6th March 2020, SCSR students held a BBQ event assists by senior of SCSR and Ms Marina. This event was annually held to welcome the first year to SCSR. This event was held at Balai Cerap. There were fees to pay for the tenant price of the BBQ place. 

During the preparation phase, there were 2 session which is morning and evening. Morning session, the activity is cooking the spaghetti, making Meehon fried in large amount. Other than that, we also prepared mash potato enough to feeds the whole SCSR's students. During the preparation phase, the relationship between senior and junior is tighten. The surrounding is very positive.