Prerequisite for ExCel Report Activity 1 (Compfair '19)

Compfair '19

Programme Information

Date: 12 December 2019

Venue: N28a

Organizer: Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA)

Graduates Attributes

  1. Leadership
  2. Entrepreneurship
  3. Communication skills
  4. Global citizenship


Vice Secretary - I did a lot of formal letter and very particular about the format of the letter.

Mini Report

Compfair '19 programme is a annual program orientated by the academic to enhance the skills and knowledge of students of School of Computing in ICT fields. The activity held by this event is forum and comptizen talk, where students will come and will have the enquiry and aswering session with Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Mohammed Rafiq the UTM FE Dean and Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Wan Mohd Nasir, chair of School of Computing. Other than that, there are academy workshop involved such as 

The effect of Compfair is that participant can apply the knowledge they get from the workshop such as 'Basic of Capturing the Flag' by Mr Abdullah from club CyberX, ‘Building Mobile Application Efficiently Using Software Architecture’ by Mr Fauzi from Synapse Innovation, ‘Machine Learning Using Python’ by Miss Dalila from Synapse Innovation, etc. 

Through the duration of the event, the entrepreneurship team invited food truck to increase the income. It is also to encourage the student to do business alongside with the foodtruck.


More Info about Comp Fair'19, visit CompFair Instagram


Before the event, I involved in preparation phase a lot than the actual event. I had to do a few of formal letter guided by the secretary, Shawati from 3SCSR. Every weekend, we would have a meeting between the appointed leader of every department. The purpose of the meeting was to update and report any progress to the head of the committee which is Faaiq,  from the Software Engineering. After the presentation of progress made by the leader of each department, the director of committee will told them what to do next. In the preparation phase, I also learned about team working and every members in the committee has their own roles to make sure that our goals can be achieved.