Hi, my name is Nur Adila Farahiyah and this is what I thought about Probability statistical and Data Analysis.

For the first time I heard about this subject, I have these particular thought going through my mind “Am I going to make it?”, “Is it hard as people thought it to be?”, “Oh my god that sounded like a tough subject”.

However, as some people might said, one has to experience it first before judge it. Turns out, it is not as tough as it sounds. In class, we need to be very focus what is thought by the lecturer in front. I will never forget the face of our lecturer, Madam Suhaila who never fail to worked hard to make us understand this subject. Throw any question, she’ll try her best to answer the question, even if it may seem like a ridiculous question by certain people.

For this subject, we got projects that require us to apply half of the topic each project. For example, for project 1, we need to apply first half topic thought in class. Same as project 1, for project 2, we need to apply last half topic of the syllabus.

For project 1, we were required to get our own data among Universiti Teknologi Malaysia students. Our topic is sports activities survey among students. My group had to ask our faculty’s student to fill in the google form. Since we thought it was not enough, we travel to many colleges such as KTR, KTHO, KRP and etc. to find out how many students on a particular court that is provided at that colleges. As an example, we observed K9 colleges which have futsal court. We observed that every evening, there are 2 group of boys in 20 persons both groups were there. They play futsal with 5 to 6 person each team and other people are there just to support their friends.

For project 2, we were required to find the data on the internet. The data must be suitable to be calculated based on our syllabus. We have chosen the topic of body fat. The conclusion about body fat, if you are a quite exceed weight person, sometimes it is not because of the amount of your fat.

On the bright side, this projects successfully make us understand better of the subject.

On 24th MAY 2019, students who take this subject will fight to get our best result for Probability and Statistical Data Analysis. Please pray for us and I would like to wish everyone good luck for your final exam.