During the learning of this subject, I got to learn a lot of new things I never know before. Although I do understand on every learning taught by the lecturer, I seems do not understand how this subject will be apply in our daily life. I always asks questions on what is the function and benefits will we get by applying this subject to the real world, and the most important part is how do we relate all this learning to the real world situations.


All these questions have been answered when I start doing the project 1 and project 2 during the whole semester. Now I know the real purpose of learning this subject as to be applied in our daily life. Project 1 in which we will relate all type of information and by doing graphs, I get to know the relation on one information to other information. The same thing goes on with project 2 in which all type of test we used are to determine the relation, the impact of one information to other information. Thus, by doing all thee things, we will get to conclude and make solutions to overcome whatever problems we gathered from our graphs and tests.


Through project 1 and 2, I also got to know on how to search the real fact raw data from believable sources in order to do all these tests. The skills on using R software also has been learned throughout all this process. Though the lecturer do taught us on how to use this software, my skills has been sharperned a lot more by doing this project. Thus, this project really help me a lot to understand better on this subject and apply it to real world situations. It also let me learned a lot of new skills and software that will be useful for me to use it in the upcoming real life situations and tests.



