

CIMB is an abbreviation for Commerce International Merchant Bankers. The first speaker was En. Qasmal Noor, the Assistant Manager, Graduate & Campus Engagement Group Human Resources. He told the about the vision which is “To be leading ASEAN company”. There are five core values which are integrity, high performance, enabling people, strengthen in diversity and costumer centric. The corporate culture at CIMB are first, “we go the extra mile for our customers”. Second, “we engage openly and respect one another” and the last one is “we organise our people back them up”. CIMB also offered internship for undergraduates student. For graduates, there are the complete banker and CIMB fusion.

The second speaker is En. Ahmad Affzan bin Mokhtar Anuar, BSc in Finance and MIS at University of Delaware, USA. He join CIMB group technology since August 2015. His position at CIMB are the Director, (Current) Head of Production Support and also the Director, Head of MY IT infrastructure. The previous employment is at Citibank Malaysia, from 2006 until 2015. His position at Citibank is the Vice President, Head of Technology Infrastructure.


CIMB has a lot of services which it provides to the worldwide. In corporate and businesses, the leading wholesale banking franchise of CIMB in ASEAN provides regional banking solutions in which it includes the capital-market financing, corporate advisory services, hedging solutions, cash management, trade financing and structured financing. These services were aimed to fulfil the banking needs of the corporate and institutional clients of CIMB. The regional private banking of CIMB also provide customised advisory, portfolio planning and wealth management solutions aimed for the ASEAN’s high net worth individuals. For savings accounts, CIMB helps the clients to have a piece of mind as it provides such security to secure the clients’ savings accounts. Current accounts services by the CIMB minimized the need for the clients to open just one account instead of multiple. If the clients need an additional funds, an overdraft facility can be added to the current account. The fixed deposit accounts which is the investment account is combined with some special features with a high interest in which it will let the clients to enjoy extra benefits. CIMB is not only for the economical banking but also Islamic banking in which syariah-compliances is applied. This Islamic banking is not only be provided for the muslim but to all of the people in the world.








There are some impact based on our goal . For example we were told that CIMB have graduate opportunities so that from this information we know that we can also study with CIMB such as join their internship programme . When we join their internship programme we have the opportunity to offer work with CIMB . Besides , we can also know about CIMB service management and IT security that they use . For example service management that they have is helpdesk and IT security such as cyber security . From this we know that security of the money stored in the CIMB is safe because it is closely guarded by CIMB security controls . Based on this industrial visit also we get to know a leading regional universal bank is offering consumer banking, investment banking and Islamic banking.

