Global Online Workforce (GLOW) is a program under Malaysian Digital Economy (MDEC). This industrial talk was held to give students knowledge on the current initiative in Malaysia to help people especially people with low income gaining more income instead of working in the office, school or even at the worksite. This program will let students learn more on how to gain more money but not to lose much energy. The program is actually open to whoever wants to gain much more income and not only limited to adults who had already worked. Even students, housewives and people who do not work may join this program to gain money. Therefore, this industrial talk is very useful for everyone in the hall.




The Malaysian Digital Economy (MDEC) talk was given by Nor Ashikin Bt Halil, one of the people in a million who joined this program and got lucky to be so successful by just doing this as her job. She starts by being a freelancer as only a part time work and starts doing only a few little jobs with the skills she had and coming through the year, she starting to get more job and get contracts with companies in hiring her to do her skilful jobs for years. Now, she currently has a contract with a United States company and is working for them right now.
Nor Ashikin has already been a virtual assistant, writer, translator, social media manager and voice over over all the years she joined this program. She also said that eRezeki which had improved their name into Global Online Workforce (GLOW), has taught her effective techniques and good ethics in managing clients and maintaining professionalisms as a digital freelancer. (Success Stories, 2018)






eRezeki or Global Online Workforce (GLOW) is a program that will help Malaysians to gain income through digital work via crowdsourcing. (Home, 2018) Digital work means that people doing their job by using technology such as laptop, notebook or even mobile phone at their own places without the need of them to come to the office. Crowdsourcing is a site where all the works and jobs that is needed to be done is being gathered at one place so that people who joined the GLOW program able to choose the works that are suitable and comfortable for them to do based on their own skills.


The industrial talk made me realized that GLOW project is not only limited for some people especially adults who have worked but even for those who still does not get a job or students who are still pursuing  our own dreams to gain side incomes for living and studying expenses. This GLOW program will not burdening people as it is a free will whereby if one is free and wants to gain money, so they have to do some works by searching some interesting tasks via the platform that was provided by GLOW such as Freelancer for them to do which they think are suitable with their skills and are available with their own time. Hence, doing some work on that particular tasks which will finally give an earnings for these people.
Global Online Workforce (GLOW) not only provides a platform for citizens to find their own job and tasks, but will also let anyone who joined this program to learn the techniques and ethics of a professional freelancer so that this kind of job will stay for good with the people. Therefore, by joining this program, one will not only get to earn money, but also get to learn something new about professionalisms which is hardly to be found anywhere.

