We had visited OneMaker Medini which is located in Medini, Johor. There were a lot of activities that were made for us to get to know deeper in the design thinking and making process. This whole workshop is named as design thinking and making for intuitive learning approach. There was Robin Oh, a successful markerpreneur, as a guest to talk and share informations to us on this topic and even as the leader of the workshop. We were very lucky to have him as a speaker and lead us on this topic because he already had a five years of design thinking and making experience from Singapore.
This workshop of design thinking and making was being done to let us understand that the design making process is the key of a value in a creation that we will be done when we want to create or invent something. The application of this design making is to help capture ones’ curiosity, helping to build shared understanding of one and another, and also to sharpen our understanding of the design thinking process.  Thus, in order to let us feel those real feelings, we had to make a prototype of one part of a school on the topic of “what will the future school looks like”. Through the process of creating the prototype, we had to go through a few steps in which it is also the steps in the design thinking and making process.






Our target for this project is 18 years old and below. For this age of people, they need place that peaceful and calm for them to relieve their stress. They needs a peaceful place to gain their idea for their studies. They also need more entertainment such as park, garden, pool, and many more to play with their friends. Hence, the student also can play a game that is challenge his or her self. When students are physically fit, they will achieve more academically. It helps children to develop mental and physical toughness. Plant also is the one of the problem that we have where in some school at city, there are less of plant. We are the human need oxygen gas to breathe. Plants produce the oxygen gas, so the oxygen gas, which is an important part of the air, is the gas that plants and animals must have in order to stay alive. When people breathe, it is the oxygen that we take out of the air to keep our cells and bodies alive. All of the oxygen available for living organisms comes from plants. These plants can built a greenish place that are quiet, peaceful and also calm.






First, my group had draft the idea on what we are doing for our part of school. Then, we come out with the idea on doing a garden that full of plant and also the challenge game for students to play. Next, we started to build it. We separate to two group which are first group make the garden and the other group will make the challenge game. We use the cardboard for the floor, straws and fogs as the tree, the stick as the wall for the game and we add other things to make it beautiful and nice. After all of it finish, we combine both the garden and the challenge game using the stair. The upper stage is for game and under stage is garden that the student can study and relax. The last is we combine all of the art of school make it the future school that have many entertainments that student needs.









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Through the process of creating the prototype, we had to go through a few steps in which it is also the steps in the design thinking and making process. Hence, we could understand the value of working together as a team instead of doing it alone and individually, throughout the process. We could also get to unleash our creativity on the spot which we were never expected of before and thus got to explore the fun of discovering new things. 
It taught us on how and what to think and do in the first place before starting to do the designing and so on on our applications and even software to be. It really helps us a lot on what to do step by step until it is successfully becomes a very useful and user friendly applications and also software.


All of this learning made us be more realistic to generate idea of an applications and software. Hence, to be a more realistic, critical thinking and professional person, we need to always watch and learn from all of the inventors in this world especially those who has successfully launch their invent to the world. We need to learn on how to develop our critical thinking in order to invent a very unique yet very useful and user friendly to all. We also need to learn from their techniques as well as their behaviours so that we can improve ourselves. Besides, we also have to always be curious and ask questions to know what is being needed of the society so that our applications and software to be will meet users’ need and hence be a very top, useful, resourceful, helpful and user friendly applications and software.
