SECI2143 - 04 Probability and Statistical Data Analysis


We have given an a project to carry out an analysis using the statistical knowledge that we have learned in this subject.

Our group have carry out an analysis to figure out either UTM computing students come to class on time or late or straight skip the classes. From our data collection we combine it and a finalize and represent to others and from this project we will learn how to do the statistical analysis.

Other than this, we also want to find out what is the mean of the time students get prepared before going to class, the duration from their kolej to the faculty, average spending on their meal before class and also what is the percentage of the students late to class per week. The reason of attending classes late is also collected so we can interpret the data more precise.

Other than this, we have also use a lot of tools to help us in this project, such as R programming, Google form and media social (sources of respondents). These tools are useful as they can help us finish the project easily.


In conclusion, it is very important for us (students) to be punctual. This is because some of the lecturers do not like their students come late to their class. It may affect the lecturer’s mood to continue the lecture when a late student comes in. Despite a student has an excellent academic result, he/she is having a bad attitude if the student does not have the habit of being punctual. Therefore, we must develop a good habit of punctuality from now and we have to stay healthy so as to contribute to our country after we graduate.







Video link (Youtube)



     From this assignment, I learned the correct way to implies all the knowledge that I have learned to carry out this analysis. Other than this, I have also learn how to use R studio to calculate and analysis the data we collected from google form. The interaction between group members is also very important so as to have better understanding between each other and to avoid arguments. I was glad to be in groups with my group members as it makes the complicated task become simple and meaningful. Every members carry out their responsibilities and make sure all the works have been done before the deadline.

     The topic we have choose is regarding students' punctuality. This is because we felt that punctual is very important. If we can't attend the classes following the timetable given then it will become worse when we start to work after graduation. Discipline and time management become the issues where student can't carry out their responsibility. In other word, our group feel that if the students pass their test with flying colours but have bad attitudes. He/She is not clarify as a good student. Hence, we carry out this analysis to analyse the punctuality of FC students.

