
            Project 2 is actually an alternative assessment that replace final exam. This is because students now are encourage to stay at home due to disease Covid-19. Social distancing has to applied as prevention to this disease, hence the university has take the action to allow students study online from April until December. Only students who need to use laboratory for education or research purposes can applied to go back to university. For this subject, there is no take home exam but this project 2 as alternative assessment. This project is where students have to choose on a topic and interpret data using the secondary data they obtained from the internet or website.

            After browsing through the sample website that can obtain secondary data, I managed to find a secondary data regarding on topic LGBT on website which collected by Census Bureau (United State). The secondary data that I obtained is a annually type data hence the amount are huge. The reason why I choose LGBT as the topic is because LGBT now has become a trend in the world. More and more individual clarified that they are one of LGBT and stand out to fight for their rights. The most common rights are same-sex marriage which is restricted according to our religions and also members of LGBT state that they are given lower income due to who they are (LGBT). Therefore, four test have been carried out to get to interpret the data to know more on this topic.

            In the way finishing this project I have learned so much of things especially using R-studio for all the calculation in this project. It is a hard time for me for using this application because I just know how to calculate simple task using R-studio but not Chi-square test. Luckily after sometimes, I finally learn how to use it and I find that using R-studio is much simple to get the result compare to handwriting the procedure. It is a nice tool that help to simple my work. Secondly, I also learned how to conduct a study on a particular topic including finding data, interpret data and also draw conclusion at the end of project. I believe these extra skills is important for me to complete my final year project in the future.

            Last but not least, I want to thank my lecturer, Dr Suhaila for guiding me not only throughout this project but also during lectured. She is always there to help me and leads me to overcome the problems I faced. I also want to thanks my friends who gave me support to finished up this project.


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