Activity Information

Date: 17 April 2021

Venue: Google Meet platform



  • Mentor

Graduate Attributes

  • Communication Skills
  • Thinking Skills
  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills


Mini Report


     I have participated in this meaningful event where I register as one of the mentors for this program. The reason I participate in this program is that the moment I look at the poster of this program it reminds me when I was a first-year student of computer science I have totally no basic regarding programming language or programming concept. Thus, I had went throughout a hard time during my first year in UTM where I had to put more efforts in studying programming from zero. Therefore, I participate in this activity to help the first-year student to improve their programming skill and problem-solving ability.

     I had improved my communication skills, thinking skills and leadership and teamworking skills. I am an introvert where my communication skills using English and Malays is not as good as my mother tongue. But luckily, I am able to teach and speak fluently throughout the teaching and learning sessions where my mentees understand well the knowledge I shared. Secondly, I put myself at the position of a mentee where I think all of the possible questions or doubt that a first-year student has so as to remind them to avoid all of the common errors. At the beginning of the sessions all of the mentees are shy to answer the questions or asking question. However, while the session going on mentees are getting better and comfort to ask questions and answer the questions, I throw to them.  I felt grateful to participate in such program where I have improved my skills so as to the participants of this program.