Industrial Visit - CICT


     On 21 October 2019 our class, Technology and Information System (SECP1513) section 08 were visiting the Centre of Information and Communication Technology (CICT) galleria for Industrial Visit 1. Industrial Visit 1 was organized by our lecturer, Dr.Haswadi bin Hassan. 40 students from section 8 and section 9 accompanied by Dr.Haswadi visit the CICT galleria at SultanahZanariah library, UTM Johor Bahru. When we arrive, CICT's staff member gave us a brief explanation about some devices that were used by UTM’s Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) department from 1990 until 2010 which is the mainframe tape subsystem and mainframe data storage. After that we were given time to look around the galleria ourself.

   Through this visit, I have learn that CICT has a very long history in UTM and it plays an important role in organizing the data and system of whole university. Other than this, I have also learn about the history of the computer and other electronic components. After the visit, we realized that our technologies have improved significantly. We started out by using a big sized mainframe or printer that is quite difficult to move them around. But nowadays, most of our technologies are portable and easier to configure. There are few issues we manage to point out in this visit. First and foremost, most of the engineers learn only one programming language. They developed applications or systems using one language and sometimes it becomes difficult for other programmers who use different type of languages.  Lastly, students lack of knowledge in job scope in network and security. If they do not enlighten themselves with such informations, we will face difficulties in planning our future.

     Hence, self-learning is a very important action to be taken. This is because the knowledge taught by lecturer in university is limited which is not enough for us to compete with other graduates and people which has more experiences in working or more skillful than us. Therefore, we have to carry out self-learning through internet during weekend or when we have free time. We have to do more research on a certain topic after lecture to have deeply understanding in the fields that we learned.

