FYP 2 : E-Portfolio. Reflection of Progress 3

FYP 2 Gantt Chart


FYP 2 Gant Chart.JPG.1


During this duration (Week 14 - Week 17)

I manage to develop my final objective of this thesis where I able to develop a mobile application in order to show simple and understandable user interface of this PAJ Bus Tracker Mobile Apps using software Android Studio , Java programming language, Mapbox Map SDK, Firebase Authentication, Android Studio Development (Android SDK), Java SE Development Kit (JDK), Android Development Tools (ADT) and Android Virtual Device (AVD).

Other than that,  my second objective also have been done where I able to design and display the real time PAJ bus location based on the data text from Web API in JSON File. "" and appear it as a bus marker on the Mapbox map viewer.

I also have successfully done simulate the data using Android Studio and provide mobile user access to the latest bus information of PAJ through mobile application.

In conclusion, the development of real-time PAJ bus tracker mobile application has been successfully created using software Android Studio. Most of the objectives of this project have been achieved. By having a real-time bus tracker mobile application, user can know the real time PAJ bus location based on the data text from Web API in JSON File and appear it as a bus marker on the Maps. This project also has successfully done simulate the data using Android Studio and provide mobile user access to the latest bus information of PAJ through Android user mobile application. Next, the understandable interface of this PAJ Bus Tracker Mobile Apps have been successfully developed using Java programming language, Mapbox Map SDK, Firebase Authentication, Android Studio Development Kit (Android SDK), Java SE Development Kit (JDK), Android Development Tools (ADT), and Android Virtual Device (AVD).

As for the future enhancement for the system, the system will provide the estimation time arrival and the distance calculation between the bus location with the current location of the user. Hence, the user can estimate the waiting time for the bus to reach their places and alert the user when the bus is near to the location of the user.

In future, the system will include the assessment standard to evaluate the performance of mobile application and give feedback about the feature of this mobile application system. Hence, the system will beneficial more to the consumer.



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