FYP2 : E-Portfolio. Reflection Of Progress 1

In this current week 5, I able to design the basic interface of this mobile application and submit to my supervisor.

In the meantime, I have done software installation regarding the latest Android Studio software update and update the build gradle to run the project. I also able to learn how to code the layout interface in XML file  authentication process for the user to login and register by using Java programming language and Firebase Authentication. Other than that, I also have read and watch some tutorials how this project works and how this mobile application can be created.

First of all, I need to know the process and method how this mobile application work flow from start to end. From online configuration, installation of software and hardware, design layout interface, coding the system main function, system implementation and system testing. 

Goal and Objective this week :

  • Able to generate the Login Page interface and Sign Up Page interface for the development of real time bus tracker mobile application for Pengangkutan Awam Johor (PAJ). 
  • Able to run the app and create a constraint design layout for the register page, login page and main activity page in Android Studio and connect with the Authentication of Firebase and manage users with ease, accepting emails, Google Sign-In and also all the information regarding of PAJ using login providers.
  • Do a research regarding how to appear an image car icon on MAP using Map API keys. 
  • Identify and compare the difference which one is easiest either using Flutter or Java in Android Studio.
  • Study the basic interface guideline of Android Studio. 
  • Investigate the method how to read the JSON file in Android Studio

Login Page Interface


Login Process Coding


Layout Login Coding in XML File

Partial XML File Login.JPG

Registration Page Interface


Registration Process Coding


Layout Registration Coding in XML File

Partial XML File Register.JPG

Forgot Password Interface


Forgot Password Coding

Reset Password.JPG

Layout Reset Password Coding in XML File

Partial XML File Password.JPG