Excel Activity Report

Extracurricular Experience Learning (Excel)

Activity 1 Information RSS

I Am Volunteer 2021 : Siswa Sayang Komuniti

Date: 13 March - 27 March 2021

Venue: Sekolah Kebangsaan Kangkar Pulai 2  , PPR TAMAN KEMPAS PERMAI JB

Organizer: Kelab Sukarelawan UTM





Self Reflection

This is my first time being a committee member for this kind of program. At first, I was very anxious, but my friend encouraged me to believe in myself in order to gain new experience, new graduate skills, and meet new people. It is not easy for me in the first place to work with new people in such a short time especially when we need to execute the plan. That is why this program really helps me to improve my adaptability and flexibility skills. Furthermore, this program also help me to increase my thinking skills when I needed to guide contestants to solve all the tasks that had been given. I am grateful that all contestants can give corporations for every task given. Even though I only handled this program online, it was wonderful to be part of this program. 

Mini Report


The program was held from 13 March 2021 until 27 March 2021. This event was organized by Kelab Sukarelawan UTM with two other clubs in UTM.  The participants of the committee members were students from UTM.  The objective of this event is to do community service in 2 different places. The theme of this event is to breach the importance of having leadership skills. Besides that, this program has also been used as a medium to connect the older generation with younger generations which us students.


Graduate Attributes

1. Communication Skills

2. Teamwork skills.


Content of the activity

This program was held in order to help participants to improve their leadership skills and to do community service. There were various activities that had been held during the event such as Ceramah Motivasi from PDRM, a coloring competition, and making a video competition based on the theme which is leadership.


Committee - Committee Member

Graduate Attributes

- Communication Skills

- Leadership and Teamworking Skills

- Global Citizen


Graduate Attributes

- Communication Skills

- Leadership and Teamworking Skills

- Global Citizen


Activity 2 Information RSS

Teater Muzikal Sempena Sambutan Ulangtahun Ke-50 Tahun UTM : Untaian Tirai Memori Sanjungan Bangsa

Date  : 11 Jun 20222

Venue : Dewan Sultan Iskandar (DSI)

Organizer : Kelab Teen's Theater UTM



Self Reflection

This program really helps me to improve my communication skill especially when I need to meet a stranger. For example, since I worked as a set and prop crew, I need to find a prop at a stall or warung in UTM to borrow for them, I need to confronted them to get their permission. At first, it was kinda awkward since this is the first physical program that I joined since pandemic happen. But after several meet up with a new person, the feeling in my chest slowly lowered as I become calmer and play my word carefully so that I can gain their trust in a short time.

Mini Report


This program was held on 11th Jun 2022 at Dewan Sultan Iskandar UTM. It started at 8.30 p.m. and finish at 11 p.m. The program had been held to celebrate 50 years of UTM since its establishment of UTM. The director of this theater is Encik Fauzi from Cultural Department UTM. There were around 100 students who work as crew and actors for this theater including UTM staff.

Graduate Attributes

- Leadership and Teamwork Skills

- Adaptability

- Communication Skills

Content of Activity

The theme of our theater is basically to celebrate 50 years of UTM since its establishment of UTM. Most of the scenes were recreated back based on the UTM student experience. For example, in the 4th scene, they recreated the scene where the first covid-19 breakout in UTM lead to 2 years of quarantine. The preparation for this theater takes more than 1 month since we do a collaboration with other students from the University of Kelantan and University Utara Malaysia who doing their internships at UTM before coming out with this theater.


- Unit Set dan Prop

- Unit Tugas- Tugas Khas

Graduate Attributes

- Leadership and Teamwork Skills

- Adaptability

- Communication Skills


Activity 3 Information RSS


Date: 15 June 2022

Venue: Dewan Sultan Iskandar (DSI)

Organizer: UTM collaboration with MOHE



Self Reflection

At first, I was kinda hesitated to attend this event because I thought this event is not important since I am still a 2nd-year student. But after being insisted by my friends, I attend this event. I was shocked that this event really helps me, especially in gaining new information about how exactly the industrial world is. They are many big companies that have also opened their booths such as Exxon Mobile and Huawei Mobile. Talking with their employer, really help me to give a good brief introduction about the employee world.

Mini Report


This event was held from 15 June until 16 June 2022 from 9.00 am to 17.00 pm. This event was held at Dewan Sultan Iskandar(DSI). This event was a collaboration with UTM and MOHE with many sponsors from non-government companies to advertise their company to fellow students. 

Graduate Attributes Skills

- Enterprise skills

- Global citizen skills

Content of Activity

There are several activities that students can join when attending this career carnival such as walk-ins interview, cv-drop, career seminars, chatting with employers, and last but not least the latest job postings from every company. This carnival can helps students, especially for 3rd and 4th-year students who need to find their internship place or job-based on their course. Besides that, activities like chatting with employers can help students to have a good brief introduction about their job scope or how the reality of industrial life.



Graduate Attributes

- Global Citizen

- Enterprising Skills
