Report Activity No 3



SC: BBQ / SPRING CLEANING PARTICIPANTS (SCSR FAMILY DAY) is the day where my course, Computer Network & Security, is an open day to celebrate all students in this course.


Date : 6 March 2020

Venue : Balai Cerap UTM

Organizer : SCSR FAMILY

Position : Committee

Mini Report

On March 6, 2020 is where this program is run. Initially, each member interested in helping will need to be present in the SCSR lounge room. We were divided into 3 groups, the first group was assigned to cook, the second group was assigned to have gotong royong to tidy up the SCSR louge room and the last group was assigned to prepare the place at the Observatory where this activity will be carried out. All members of the group have played their distinctive roles and made the assignments that have been assigned.

At 6 pm, a BBQ cooking session has already been conducted and take turns to take care of this cooking place. Exactly at 8.30 pm, the activity has already started, where the activity began with a prayer reading, followed by a speech from the head of the SCSR unit and a speech from the student representative according to each year. At 9 pm is where the session for us to enjoy the dishes that have already been prepared and chat with all the students while kicking the video montage of SCSR day. At 9.30 pm is where a quiz session was conducted where it is intended to test the level of students know their lecturers. In addition, there are also group activities where each student will be divided into groups according to their date of birth and they need to complete the assigned tasks in a timely manner. At 10 pm this is where the gift giving session takes place and the gift giving is also to the lucky ones according to their turn number.

At 11 pm, the activity was over and the students began to disperse. The council committee began tidying up the place we used so that it could be used for other programs or activities.

Self Reflection

For me, this event needs to be done every year because it can strengthen the relationship between all students in the course, therefore year 1 students where they have just entered the realm of degree and still want to know the ins and outs of UTM. Apart from that, activities like this have had a lot of impact on year 1 students like me where I can get to know my seniors and get to know them better.

What I have learned in this activity is that I can learn how to handle things in a group and make a program successful. Next, I can also get to know more about the environmental areas available in UTM where UTM has provided various interesting places for their students to relax, do charity activities or make open days such as the SCSR FAMILY DAY program.

Therefore, such a program is very rational and has a positive effect from the organization of this program. This is because the experience I feel may not be the same as other programs because this is my course program and I together with the SCSR family can make this program a success.

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Graduate Attribute

  • Leadership
  • Teamwork