Report Activity No 1



PHOTO CONTEST: CAPTURE YOUR CULTURE : Culture -themed photo contest where each participant is asked to take a photo and send the creative results of their photos to the organizers.


Date : 28 May 2021 to 5 June 2021

Venue : Virtual platform (PERMAS UTM Instagram)

Organizer : Perwakilan Mahasiswa Sabah UTM

Position : Participant



Mini Report

The competition aims to promote the spirit of racism among all races such as Malays, Chinese, Indians and others. It also aims to show the creativity of each participant to show the culture of each of their races. This competition is divided into 1 category only, which is free to take pictures related to the culture of each of their races.

The date for participants to send photos to the organizers is given for 6 days only, which is the time period of this event. The evaluation of the winners is based on 50% of participants' likes on Instagram and Facebook PERMAS UTM and 50% based on a jury judged by the Sabah UTM Student Representative.

Another purpose of this competition is to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Hari Wesak and Hari Gawai which were recently celebrated by each race. In addition, this program provides a positive spirit where participants have competed healthily and showed their level of creativity to the organizers and especially to all citizens of the nation, namely UTM.

Self Reflection

For me, this competition is very fun because for those who are interested in photography, they definitely want to express or show their level of skill and creativity by entering a competition, so do I.

What I have learned based on this competition is the fighting spirit and healthy competitive attitude with each participant only having to show their level of creativity on their own. Although this game takes place in a virtual but it's so fun because I can express and show my culture to all parties, namely the image culture for me that is where my race is celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Moreover, we know that it has been almost 2 years since our country was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is difficult for all parties to celebrate the festival for each race but that is not a barrier for there to be no love or affection for the festival for each race. So, for me this competition has caused all races to be more enthusiastic and love their own racial culture by showing creative results as their celebrations take place.


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Graduate Attribute

  • Innovative
  • Creative