Probability and Statistical Data Analysis (PSDA)


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According to the rubric given, the student must

  • create a group of 3 - 5 students
  • within the Scope: Descriptive statistics
  • Only use Primary data (survey, interview, observation, experiment)
  • Discuss about the case study
  • Do the suitable descriptive statistics
  • Should include all methods in the descriptive statistics




Everyone works well in their roles to make this project a success. With the guidance of our lecturer, Dr Suhaila binti Mohamad Yusuf, we managed to submit the draft due the time given. To manage completing the task is a huge relief since we already doing our best and the report is our proof. The part that I like the most throughout this project is coding using r studio. Although, I have trouble downloading it but there is always another ways to finish the coding. So, is my workspace, the place I learned and try out the r session.

To be conclude, we manage to apply the descriptive statistic, topic that we learned in real life situation.  The analysis and graph represented can hasten the progression of work. To apply this concept meaning that we can conclude our theories and assumptions. Also, the data can be a proof and teach us to make intelligent judgments informed decisions in the
presence of uncertainty and variation.

"Gain knowledge, the understand we become."

17 Gain knowledge Synonyms. Similar words for Gain knowledge.



Dr Suhaila binti Mohamad Yusuf

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