Kem Kembara Muslim


What is Kem Kembara Muslim?

- Kem Kembara Muslim is an activity being held Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam UTM for one day and one night at Pantai Tanjung Balau, Johor. The purpose of this activity is to guide new students to know more about the organization and adapt to new environment at university. The other purpose is to educate the intake students mentally and physically so they will stay righteous and religious.

Detail of Visit

Date    : 27 September - 28 September 2019 (Friday - Saturday)

Venue : Masjid Sultan Ismail, UTM (Day 1)

               Pantai Tanjung Balau, Johor (Day 2)

Tentative :

Day 1  
  • 1700 - 1800 hrs
Registration & briefing to participants
  • 1800 - 1900 hrs
Short tazkirah from PU Rahmat
  • 1900 - 2000 hrs
Maghrib & Isyak prayer
  • 2000 - 2230 hrs
Ice breaking session at Dewan Al-Khawarizmi
  • 2230 - 2400 hrs
  • 2400 - 2430 hrs
Al-Mulk recital & sleep
Day 2  
  • 0500 - 0630 hrs
Qiamulail, Subuh prayer and tazkirah Subuh
  • 0630 - 0700 hrs
  • 0700 - 0900 hrs
Depart to Tanjung Balau
  • 0900 - 0930 hrs
Dhuha prayer
  • 0930 - 1300 hrs
Group activity
  • 1300 - 1400 hrs
Zuhur prayer & lunch
  • 1400 - 1700 hrs
Explorace by the beach, Asar prayer & wrap up
  • 1700 - 1900 hrs
Depart to UTM


Throughout the event, we get to know new friends from different courses and colleges. It also help me in practicing religious activity so I can implement it in everyday life. Plus, I also get to know more about the organization, Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam itself and their objectives. I am glad to join this event as I get to know more about Islam and the lifestyle as a Muslim. Plus, I also got to improve my communication skills as I work to gather members during the group activity. Even though it only a one day trip, I get to enjoy doing exploration at Pantai Tanjung Balau. I really encourage the intake students to take part if I have the opportunity to do so.