Activity Details

  • Date: 6 – 7 November 2020
  • Venue : Streamyard
  • Organizer : Sekretariat Anak Johor Darul Ta’zim (SEJATI)
  • Position : Director Programme

Graduate Attributes

  • Communication skills and Teamwork
  • Creative, critical thinking and problem solving
  • Professionalism and leadership readiness

Role in Activity

I am a Director in this programme.


Mini Report

Kejohanan Debat Darul Takzim 2021 is a 2-Day collaborative program with Yayasan Pelajaran Johor (YPJ) and Kelab Debat, Pidato dan Pemikiran Kritis (DEPIKIR). The aim of this program is provide a platform for student from all univerisities in Malaysia especially for Johor citizen about debate competition. One of the main objective in this programme is to develop communication skills, leadership skills and apply a healthy competitive spirit among the participants. There are 80 student from different universities participates in this programme and this program also involved 30 committee members and 36 qualified jugdes.

The champion in this competition is Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and the first prize is RM2000.00 while the second place is Universiti Teknologi Mara Negeri Sembilan with the prize Rm1500.00. 

The reason I signed up for this program was because I think it is a great initiative to support the objective of develop the communications in students. Other than that, I can also develop new skills and find a new hobby from this program such as public speaking and debate. I believe the activities conducted throughout this program teaches us on how to adapt with competitive enviroment in new norm and how we can make the best out of the MCO.



Kejohanan Debat Darul Takzim 2020 is the first debate competition programme that be held in online platform since our country effected by Covid-19 epidemic. Yayasan Pelajaran Johor ask me if I ready to be a director for this programme since I was a President of Sejati at that time. I decide to challenge myself to take this great opportunity to training and develop myself and my friend as a leader and as a team. This programme actually make learned to adapt with new norm which my team and I need to held this program using online platform which is Stremyard. We manage to learn on set up Streamyard to held live debate competition involving 80 participants from different institutions and 36 of judges. In this programme, I have learned that being a leader not just give instructions but we need to be matured in making any decision especially when we have problems or issues to solve. I also have learn that working as a team with strong teamwork will help us to conduct a programme well until the end. Lastly, this programme is a starting for me for being a good leader when living as a student in  UTM.


Photos During the Programme



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