Extra-Curricular Experiential Learning (ExCEL)

Program Smart Leadership 2022

Date : 17th June - 18th June 2022

Venue : Sekolah Kebangsaan Kangkar Pulai 2

Organizer : MyLinE UTMĀ 

Program Information

Smart Leadership 2022 is a new initiative developed in conjunction with SINAR, MyLinE UTM, and SKKP2 to assist students from SKKP2 in developing the skills necessary to be effective leaders in their schools.

Graduate Attributes

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Thinking Skills
  3. Global Citizen
  4. Leadership and Teamworking Skills

Role in the program


Mini Report

Our crew faced a number of challenges throughout the course of the program. First and foremost, the majority of the facilitators have no prior experience working with primary school students. We are having difficulty maintaining each student's discipline since they are overburdened, do not adhere to time schedules, and do not focus on the task for the majority of the time. Besides, the time allotted to complete the exercise with the children was insufficient. Almost no activity in the program is completed in the time allotted. In order to complete the team building session on time, we must pick only a few groups to showcase their work. However, with the aid of the supporting instructor at the school, we were able to overcome all of the hurdles we encountered during the program. We collaborate to assist kids grasp the objectives of each activity so that they may be effective leaders and role models for their peers.

Self Reflection

Because this is my first time facilitating a program, this program has taught me a lot of new skills. To begin with, it taught me how to communicate effectively with my pupils and how to maintain their attention while issuing directions. To blend in with them, I start the discussion by learning about their history, such as their complete name and age, and I also welcome my name in a playful manner so that they perceive me as friendly. In addition, when I try to communicate with them, I employ a pleasant tone of voice. This is to prevent pupils from becoming closed off while talking with me. I also get the ability to make an introvert communicative with me. For example, one of the kids in my group was unusually silent at the start of the program. I make every effort to be nice and share a happy moment with them. Fortunately, my strategy worked, and the student became chatty with me till the completion of the program. I hope to be able to participate in a program like this again in the future.

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Date : 31st May 2022

Venue : M01,Kolej Tun Dr.Ismail

Organizer : JKM KTDI

Program Information

The Student College Committee of Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail's Welfare and Security Bureau held a GORO GORO KTDI to clean the regions at Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail. All students are welcome to participate in this program as volunteers to assist clean the cafeteria, dorm block, futsal court, and other areas around KTDI.

Graduate Attributes

  1. Global Citizen
  2. Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  3. Adaptability

Role in the program


Mini Report

The JKM committee kicked off the event by collecting all of the volunteers in the parking lot in front of M01, KTDI and giving a briefing on the program's tentative schedule. The volunteers were then divided into groups and given all of the necessary equipment to begin cleaning in the designated areas. The cleaning job include raking all the leaves from the futsal court, cleaning the cafeteria table, raking the leaves from the hostel block, and raking the tree branches off the road. Because there is so much to clean, the cleaning task takes roughly three hours. At the end of the program, we reconvene at M01, KTDI for some food and drink provided by the organiser. All participants will get a certificate and merit for the activity through email, but we will have to wait because many activity marks have not yet been entered into the system. Overall, the event went off without a hitch until the end of the program.

Self Reflection

Because there are so many cleaning tasks to complete in a short amount of time, this program taught me how to be more effective. Our crew had been tasked to clean the area near Arked Angkasa KTDI after being divided into numerous groups. Because there are so many areas to clean, including the cafeteria, futsal court, and the area beside the road, my team leader divided us into two additional groups. I chose to conduct the cleaning table labor since it appeared to be simple and straightforward in comparison to other tasks. We began washing all of the tables using the napkins provided by the cafeteria employee. We also collect trash from the cafeteria and deposit it in the trash can. Normally, I would sleep or waste time in my room during this hour, but this activity has taught me to be a productive person because there are so many things I can accomplish. In addition, this curriculum taught me how to converse with strangers. I had never met my team leader before, but I strive to interact with her so that I may do my task quickly.


Basic English Course

Date : 27th March 2021

Platform : Webex

Organizer : SINAR, KTDI

Program Information

English program called Basic English Course 2021 on March 27th, 2021 had being held in collaboration with SINAR UTM and KTDI. This is one of the initiatives that has been identified as a program for KTDI students, although it is also available to all UTM students.

Graduate Attributes

  1. Thinking Skills
  2. Communication Skills
  3. Leadership and Teamworking Skills

Role in the program


Mini Report

There were multiple discussions conducted before to the event to ensure that the flow of the event went off without a hitch. Encik Izzhar is the SINAR's director, and he ensures that all of the committee members do all of their assigned tasks. Miss Nur Amalina binti Zulkifli Airwan designed the English course and delivered it to the students in a manner that was both smooth and easy to grasp. This course was extremely suitable to all ages because it included material ranging from basic to advanced. This initiative enables the SINAR to achieve its goal of transforming KTDI into a transformation agent for students to become more knowledgeable and creative. This curriculum also assists students in becoming more advanced and effective as workers in industries outside of the school. One of the key goals of the SINAR for its members is to improve student discipline and generate pupils with a first-class attitude.


As a member of the SINAR committee, I've learned a lot of useful skills, including how to effectively organize my work after being assigned to the SINAR protocol team. The protocol team is one of the most important teams in any organization because it ensures that the flow of any event runs smoothly and that any problems that arise during the event are resolved as quickly as possible to avoid any misunderstandings between the VIPs, speakers, moderators, and other important people present. I offered to be the emcee for the event. In order to avoid any errors at the event, I need to pre-record emcee videos, therefore I do my best to record my films several times if there are any miswords or mistakes during the recording process. Overall, I was really happy to join SINAR as a protocol team member since it taught me how to be more disciplined with my time and how to properly arrange my calendars. I hope to be able to participate in such groups in the future in order to expand my knowledge and become a more informed person.

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