1/SECP (Semester 2)

Probability and Statistical Data Analysis

Subject code: SECI2143-02 

Lecturer's Name: Dr Chan Weng Howe



Project 1 Video

Reflection on Project 1

                I learnt a lot in Project 1. From how to collect raw data using Google Form to make the data analysis using R. Basically our topic for this project is to study the people choices anything related to smartphones such as the cell provider, the smartphone specifications and the price. 

                At first, we are required to collect the data from any people that we want to make it as the sample. At this time, my group was collecting ideas on what we should ask the respondents. We picked the best questions and sum it to a total of 17 questions to the public and 21 questions if the respondent is a UTM student. We successfully collected  242 responses because all of us did a great job to publicize the survey. For me, this survey stuff was not so difficult until it comes to R. I was clumsy at first because that is the first time ever using R to do the data analysis. Learning something new takes time so after many trials and errors, I see how this programming languages talk. It was not too hard to calculate the simple task such as calculating mean and standard deviation. I understood on how the other software works to calculate the other things with different method and languages. R showed me that there is many types of graph exist in data analysis. I was a bit satisfied because this programming language has colour on the graph so we can easily differentiate the data. Based on my experience in learning computer languages such as R and C++, the best way to learn is by trials and errors because we can identify our mistake. When we did this, what will happens? What if I put this symbol? Does it change my output? Those questions can teach me many things to develop my skills in a language. As far as using R, I categorize it as moderate-level in term of learning.

                 After we did the data analysis, we need to make a video about the results. The video must not exceed 7 minutes so we need to summarize 17-21 analysis in a short time. On this task, I recorded a lot of videos to find the perfect one to put in. Sometimes I stuttered in the middle of the video, gave the wrong information and forget the numbers. However, I made it at last and I found out that this video task improved my communication skills by imagining I’m doing the presentation in class. I detected my deficiency in communicating through technology because it feels awkward to talk with my phone alone in my room. On the bright side, I can use this video task experience to do the online interview in future. 

                 Last but not least, give a round of applause to our lecturer, Dr Chan Weng Howe for always helping us to complete this project. He managed to type long paragraphs in our WhatsApp to answer all question asked by us. Also thanks to my group members, Fansuri, Safwan and Anas for giving good cooperation until the end. Hope that what we learnt in this project can be the reference in future.

Project 2 Video

Project 2 Documents

Reflection on Project 2

This Project 2 is the alternative assessment for our final exam in Probability and Statistical Data Analysis course due to Covid-19 pandemic. Throughout the process of completing this study, I gained a lot of experiences and learnt so many things. 

At first, I was confused when reading the Project requirements which need us to find 4 different types of Proposed Analysis. 3 of them is compulsory to work with which is Hypothesis Testing on One/ Two-Sample, Correlation and Regression. The optional analysis that I chose was Chi-Square test of independence. Honestly, I chose the test because it is the easiest among the optional test offered in Project Rubric.  This Project worried me a lot because, in my opinion, the Test needed is from the hard chapter in this course. I studied all the chapters again because this Project really challenges my memory about the formula, hypothesis and so on. Luckily, when I am confused about calculation or how to state the hypothesis, I got my helpful friends on my back especially Muhammad Safwan Bin Azhar. He taught me a lot of things from the concept of the chapter to how to type code in R. My lecturer, Dr Chan Weng Howe also a supportive tutor. When my classmate had questions, Dr Chan will make time to answer and clarifies our confusion in the WhatsApp group.

This is my second time operating the R language (the first time was in Project 1) so sometimes I forget that the semicolon is not essential after a line of code. I gained a lot of knowledge in R by referring to the R tutorial slides prepared by our lecturer. The slides were really useful for me to do the specific task such as finding the correlation or plot a graph. There was a time I completely lost about my Project variables. I decided to watch YouTube about R to analyze and resolve my problems. I spent about 2 hours in front of the YouTube webpage. Sometimes studying from the video is quite profitable for my understanding. I also scared to handle this large sample of data from the data sets and I did many mistakes in R at the early phase. But the best thing in R is we can run the code by line so when an error occurs in R console, most probably we need to change only a line of code. 

In brief, this Project really improves my understanding in many chapters and my skills in R. I was really thankful to have supportive friends and lecturer in my circle. I really hope that I will become master in R language as I am dealing with many data sets in future.