Reflections of the Statistic Project

Key takeaways from carrying out the project.


            After conducting a study on the smartphone habits of Malaysian citizens, I can wholeheartedly say that this project has taught me a lot of things that is used in analyzing data and learning something from it.

            In this project, we were assembled in a group of 4 people and we carried out a study based on concepts of inferential statistics that we have learnt in the PSDA course, taught by Dr Chan Weng Howe. The main objective of this study is to collect data and gain meaningful statistics on the usage of smartphones in Malaysia.

            To achieve that goal, we have used Google Forms to create a list of relevant questions and used the link sharing function to spread the questionnaire around to UTM students and any interested citizens in WhatsApp. This particular platform has been chosen because its ease of use and the amount of data collected can be easily organized and backed up in the cloud.

            Following the collection of data via Google Forms, we analysed the data by using R Studio. This program allows us to import the dataset gained from Google and begin running tests on it by using the R Programming language with relative ease. All calculation methods in made in this project has been aided greatly by this program, and with it we also created visually pleasing info graphics to represent data in a more digestible form.

            This journey had not proceeded without a few hiccups along the way. One of it was the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which impeded our progress by halting all physical group meetings and discussions. We resolve this by scheduling online meeting via Discord or Whats App groups to speed up progress despite the ongoing crisis.

In the end, this study had proceeded smoothly and completed on time, with the assistance of Dr Chan Weng Howe, all the problems have been resolved with due haste.

Video of the Project