Report Activity 2

Kem Kembara Muslim RSS


Kem Kembara Muslim is a two-day camp that its purpose is to advocate student's life balance with Islam. The camp was very packed with activities and speeches from invited speakers. The main activity is Explorace where we race while exploring various checkpoints within our group. Each checkpoint had different task or activity that was supposed to brought moral values and reflections to all students participated. The activity was very fun because it was creative and thoughtful. Every group members were needed to talk about reflection from the activity done. I was able to reflect with myself after every reflection from my group members. It involved critical thinking since the activity was very short and we were needed to come up with lessons achieved from the activity. I was also able to correlate with every lesson with how to balance my student's life while maintaining as a good Muslim. The facilitator made an excellent job every time to summarize every activity expected moral values. Teamwork and leadership skills were also an important traits to be achieved during those activities because the activity would have been difficult without good teamwork.

Position in the activity


Graduate Attributes

1. Leadership and Teamworking skills 

2. Communication skills

3. Global citizen

Program Information

Date: 27th October 2019 to 28th October 2019

Venue: UTM & Pantai Tanjung Balau

Organizer: Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI)



Mini Report