Hi there!

Chapter Presentation

Our group which is Group 6 presented Chapter 9 of TiS regarding on Privacy, Security and Ethics. Each members of the group presented their respective part of the chapter.


Presentation for my part is also attached below.


Industrial Talk 1 Report (Poster)

An industrial talk regarding on Industrial Revolution 4.0 was held on 24th November. The talk was about the possibilities of IR 4.0 such as cloud computing and e-commerce, as well as the future jobs which could be possible during IR4.0. We created a poster based on the contents of talk.

I have learned to appreciate the technology around us as well as put good use of technology into everyday life so that I can contribute something that is technologically useful to the community, as well as to the nation.

Industry talk 1 poster.png


Design Thinking Project

My dreams with regard to my course are to involve myself in technology and get a better understanding of what is behind all the possibilities technology can offer. Apart from that, I would love to be able to contribute to the community with the use of my knowledge in technology even by little means, as long as they can make people's lives easier, safer and more efficient.


This design thinking project can actually help me in better planning in future tasks such as time management, task division among group members and work efficiency. This helps me in facing further assignments and task, as well as cope up with the workload in future jobs, while still being creative and innovative.


In my journey of improving my potential in the industry, I am going to deepen my knowledge regarding technology such as programming languages, digital logic, statistics and the information system. Furthermore, I will participate in more group-based tasks or assignments to improve my management and leadership skills. I also plan to get myself into challenges like hacking competitions or developing a program that can enhance my knowledge and skills regarding technology which can be useful in today's fast-growing industry.


YouTube Link to our Design Thinking Video :)
