Report Activity No.1

ExCEL Report 1

ExCEL Report 1 [SATU SMART 5th International Innovation Competition] RSS

Photo and Certificate

SATU Smart Silver Award_Loke Rui Kee_page-0001.jpg





Participating in the SATU Mobility Action For Regional Talent (SMART) 2023 5th International Innovation Competition has been a transformative journey that has left an indelible mark on my academic and personal growth. Collaborating with a diverse and talented team from different universities broadened my perspective and enhanced my ability to navigate cross-cultural dynamics.

Our project, Agrosynex, not only clinched the Silver Award but also underscored the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing real-world challenges. The competition challenged us to ideate, innovate, and present a solution within a limited timeframe, honing my problem-solving and time-management skills.

Agrosynex's focus on sustainable agriculture aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 2 has instilled in me a deeper sense of purpose in leveraging technology for societal well-being. The recognition at the SATU SMART 2023 Award Ceremony serves as a testament to the value of our efforts and the impact we can create collectively.

This experience has instilled in me a newfound confidence in my abilities and a commitment to pursuing projects with a meaningful societal impact. The competition has not only added a significant achievement to my academic journey but has also inspired me to continue exploring innovative solutions for pressing global issues.

Mini Report

Loke Rui Kee, a Bachelor of Computer Science (Bioinformatics) student at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), and her diverse team comprising Ananya Varshney from Nanyang Technological University, Fadl Sadiq Darwis from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, and Chaiyawut Seechalee from National Cheng Kung University, achieved a significant milestone by securing the Silver Award in the SATU Mobility Action For Regional Talent (SMART) 2023 5th International Innovation Competition. Their innovative project, Agrosynex, stood out in the competition’s theme of revolutionizing sustainability through life sciences.

Organized by the Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities (SATU) Presidents’ Forum, the competition attracted 38 teams from SATU member universities across 10 countries. Team Agrosynex emerged as one of the six finalist teams after an intensive ideation and solution-building period from August 9 to October 5. The culmination of their efforts occurred during the final demo pitch on November 4, 2023, where they secured the Silver Award along with a prize of USD 1000.

Agrosynex, a mobile application platform developed by the multidisciplinary team, aims to assist landowners in agriculture ventures. The project aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 2, focusing on achieving food security and sustainable agriculture by optimizing arable land usage in Malaysia and Indonesia.

The success of Team Agrosynex was celebrated at the SATU SMART 2023 Award Ceremony, held online during the SATU Presidents’ Forum 2023 Steering Committee Meeting and General Assembly. Hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on November 17, 2023, in Mumbai, India, this recognition not only honors the team members but also underscores the commitment of their respective universities to fostering innovative and socially impactful projects.

Program Information

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Activities information

  1. Date: November 4, 2023
  2. Venue: Online
  3. Organizer: Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities (SATU) Presidents’ Forum


Graduate attributes

  1. Communication Skills;
  2. Thinking Skills;
  3. Leadership and Teamworking Skills;
  4. Adaptability;
  5. Global Citizen;
  6. Enterprising Skills.


Position/Role in the activities

  • Individual Team Silver Award Winner


