PSDA Project 2 Reflection


The greatest thing I've learned from this project is that I finally get to learn and manipulate data using R-language.


The reason for being 'finally' is that I've heard R-language before in some programmer group, and whenever a statistical problem comes in, R-language is always been brought up. That sparks my initial interest because it seems so powerful. Therefore I'm actually quite thrilled when I first learned that our project is going to be about manipulating data with it.


Initially, I thought it was going to need a lot of setups and it was going to be hard for the first time. But turns out I can just use the R-Studio cloud and I can straight away proceed to solve my problem after looking through a youtube tutorial. It was fascinating when I run my first tryout and I successfully get the results that I want. I would definitely love to try out more during the long sem-break for more problems and use-cases.


Another notable thing is the cooperation and fast action that we all have as a team. When someone feels something is off, we will straight away voice it in the group chat and whoever is available will look into it on the spot while those who responded later will give their opinions eventually as well. This value-adding discussion is something that usually some of the student team will lack. Therefore, I am really grateful that I've got a team like this because it makes me feel I can depend on them just as much as I can let them depend on me.