About Me

Profile information

Hi, welcome to this page. I hope you can enjoy the journey of knowing me

  • First name: LIM ZENG KAI
  • Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
  • Student ID: A20EC0068
  • Display name: LIM ZENG KAI
  • City/region: PERAK
  • Country: Malaysia
  • Mobile phone: 0165165066

My home town (Kuala Kangsar)


This is the place I grow up and I have to spend 20 years to do a lot of thing in here. The Kuala Kangsar is the royal town of PerakMalaysia. It is located at the downstream of Kangsar River where it joins the Perak River. There are some places you need to visit when you come here which is Ubudiah Mosque, perak royal museum, dan etc. Besides, there is also some nice food for you to take like laksa kembar, This is a beautiful and wonderful peace that can you visit. If you are interested to know more about kuala kangsar the link I provided below.



Click here to know more


During my free time, I will listen to music such as some instrumental music and read some novel. I also like to play a video game with my friends.

Besides, I also like to play some musical instrument. In my secondary school, I join the concert band and got the opportunity to learn and play some musical instrument. During my free time, I will also play some small instrument such as harmonica, thumb piano.

Moreover, I also like to watch the animation in my free time. This is because the content of some animation is very interesting

After that, I would like to spend time learning some extra thing by myself. For example, I will search some information on the internet or looking for Youtube video related to my wish. The thing that I interested such as video editing skill, web development skill, and some new technology.


                     listening to some music                                                                             playing video game                                                playing a musical instrument                             

     tenor.gif                            Kiwi Catscafe GIF - Kiwi Catscafe Gaming GIFs                       Trombone Donald Duck GIF - Trombone DonaldDuck Playing GIFs

                                              watching animation                                                                                                     reading and learning new thing

 One Punch Man Serious GIF - OnePunchMan Punch Serious GIFs               Cat Reading GIF - Cat Reading Book GIFs



Personal skill

  • Team-working
  • Leadership
  • Adaptability
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication


Academic  skill

  • C/C++ programming
  • Python programming
  • Html/css


Education Level

Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah(UPSR) at SJK(c) TSUNG WAH

1/1/2007 - 31/12/2012

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia(SPM) at SMJK TSUNG WAH

1/1/2013 - 31/12/2017

Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia(STPM) at SMJK TSUNG WAH

1/5/2018 - 31/12/2019

Computer Networking And Security (SECRH) (BACHELOR'S DEGREE) at Univesity Teknologi Malaysia(UTM)

1/10/2020 - now

Employment history

Sales specialist at Digi Store express Genting highland

1/12/2017 - 31/3/2018

Sales specialist at Digi Store express Genting highland

1/12/2019 - 31/3/2020

Personal goals

  • Able to involve me in many club and competition and get some awards
  • Master in programming 
  • Able to build my own apps/software
  • Master in hacking skill

Academic goals

  • Get a First Class Degree
  • Get some Achievement
  • programming skills
  • keep on learning extra skills like multimedia
  • Improve my soft skill like communication

Career goals

  • Develop my own projects like Apps/software
  • Able to update me with the latest information and technology
  • skilful security engineer
  • Able to handle the security system 


