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As a primer subject, this course will introduce students to information systems and technology (IS/IT), as well as its uses in daily life both at home and at work. Various aspects of IS/IT encompassing hardware, software, network, communications, internet, multimedia, graphics and systems applications will be introduced. Students will be equipped with basic skills in handling PC installation and productivity tools via practical work in the labs, which shall comprise a major part of the study. At the end of the course, student should be able to distinguish basic IS/IT component and applications.



TIS Notes


To me, it has been amazing how such a lot of material can be covered in just four months and I am really happy I got to study Technology and Information System course. The variety of teaching material and expertise of the lecturer has also been great. The development studies material will be particularly helpful in setting up the project. As we all know, ICT is all about telecommunications and networking. Throughout this course, I learnt how the networks work, I learnt about the technologies involved, the protocols used, etc. I also learnt how the database works, together with computer networking and network security. The ICT is a fast moving and dynamic domain that requires us to be up to date with evolving technologies. Therefore, I started to realize that the importance of life long learning and began to apply it in my life. I have also developed personally while on the course and I understand myself much better. Most importantly, I have learnt how to effectively work with and relate to people through the design thinking project. I now feel much better prepared for my future career and I cannot wait to get involved!

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