Extra-curricular Experiential Learning (ExCEL)


This program is held by Losting Music Club. The purpose of this program is to introduce the commitee members to the new members and enhance the relationship and bonding between all the committees.

Date: 31/10/2021

Time: 8.00pm - 9.30pm

Organizer: Losting Music Club

Role: Committee - Committee member

Leadership and Teamworking Skills & Communication Skills

1) Mini Report

This program is about introducing new members and bonding with them in Losting Music Club. There are several activities that helped to enhance the relationship between committees such as ice-breaking games and quiz about Losting Music Club. Because of Covid-19 pandemic, all the committees know each other through online. Therefore, this activity really helps to get to know all the committees better. It required us to open our webcam and open our mic to talk, share and have fun together.

2) Self-reflection

During this program, I was able to gain more confidence to talk in front of all the committees and introduce myself. Even though it was an online activity, but I sincerely felt that everyone has the spirits and hearts to know more about each other and put efforts on every games that we played. It really helped to improve the communication skills between committees and this can make sure that all the committees can work together with more cooperation in the future time. 
